Skybloom comic 1: Unprofessional

It’s here. I’ve been taking my time with different concepts, different storylines – I mean if you sit down and try to write the human experience into chunks, it begs the question, where to begin? Well, the OHB series kinda started with self worth, Lithium takes the casual approach to freedom from guilt and control, and so we come to Skybloom; a new series which explores regrets! Hooray!

So this comic is a simple scifi, it is kind and gentle and full of hope. Even in a dark place; best place for hope tbh.




43 thoughts on “Skybloom comic 1: Unprofessional

  1. Wow, this is a nice surprise. I just happened to want to reread Lithium 8 and that bit at the end about toxic traits and here you are with a brand new comic. Coincidence? Absolutely. Still very nice. Thank you for all the comics, keep up the good work, and take care.

  2. This new comic was amazing. I have been reading fairly religiously since the first ‘One Human Being’ issue came out and it never ceases to amaze me how relevant to my life all of your work seems. I didn’t know I could be so astoundingly turned on and also sort of happy-crying at the same time.

    Regardless, I cannot wait to see what Sophie and Marcus get up to all alone on that planet with nothing but time and some issues to work out lol!

    1. Haven’t heard anything I’m afraid. They’ve produced a few alternative-text versions of their existing comics but the hotly anticipated next actual comic isn’t done yet, far as I know

  3. Oh my god I just blazed through that. How did 140 pages feel so short? If only books were this good! Thanks for an another banger of a comic once again Sindy.

    1. Thank you! Yeah I love when you get into something properly, it whisks you away; stories are much more fun like that, I feel. Have to remind myself of that when I think things are getting a bit bogged-down, it’s okay to make it immersive

  4. That was incredible! Thank you, Sindy! I saw it dropped and went to a morning coffee spot to read it slowly, enjoying the immersion in the story and characters. Laughter and wonder (and horniness) ensued.

    Its a beautiful set up and introduction with just enough steaminess to set the tone for lots of recreational loving and procreation research (for science) in the future. Adam and Eve in Eden. A pure female with a healing male. Both with something to teach the other and plenty of time to do it.

    I will enjoy this series as I do all of your creations. You are a bright light. Keep shining!

  5. Innocent horniness in the body of an open minded 24 years old teenager … combined with a rather disillusioned slightly older man with obvious issues and constraints … what can go wrong here? And reading story the second time around, one will notice the small hints of development/change even more … at least when it comes to Frank; he is really reflecting over life and all the Wh’es. I’m really looking forward to whatever may come their/our way.

    PS: Wonder why she didn’t take two lumps of sucker though.

    1. Ah a good STFW reference there! Yes we all need to grow into our sugar addictions it seems hehhh. I don’t know that Marcus has too many big issues, he’s just a guy who’s been trying to get things ‘right’ for a long time and has gone a bit far into professionalism, so that’s coming undone gently. Frank (the old guy on the screen) represents the really toxic ideals, so yeah its going to be interesting how it plays out, as they rely on Frank to send supplies from Earth etc etc. Aaaanyway all good fun hehehh

  6. Really good! And such a tease again! And I already have installed the same glasses from the shower in my bathroom. Somehow, I don’t get the same kick out of it…don’t know why…guess you need boobs for that.

    So…britts in space being British again? You really let the protagonist watch the death, of his long year colleague, from the window? …with a cup of tea? Well, bugga. 🙂 (Hint: an additional picture with him, kneeled down rubbing his eyes, would have given this event a bit more gravity)

    Before spraying you with all the good and awesome critique, here is one little issue I have (with the lore?). I think that somebody like Frank would have been removed from such a program long time ago. I think with this chain of argument, you run into the same problem as MCUs “Civil War”. A better way (in my view) would have been that Franks argument would be, “It’s highly unethical, I can’t tell you to do it. But it’s your decision and don’t forget you have to deal with the aftermath.” That what a “friend” would have told. On the other hand …Frank is not up there, but sitting at his desk in a save environment. So, “poke the chick” is a call one could make from a far distance.
    Also nice: He calls Sophie “it”, which, again, shows the distance he has from his point of view. Nice job. “Seeing the explosion” and “reading about the explosion” are to, totally different things.
    Hint: “Shaking hands” are always a good sign of shock.

    So…Awesome work on focus and camera angle! You really professionalised it. I don’t know ANY comic artist, who can have this high level of constant and professional work ethics when it comes to the visuals. I really feel like watching a real scene or being in a movie. Especially when you blur out the lens to focus on the important parts of the picture makes this so intense. And after going back and forth threw the pictures, this supports the storytelling so much! That’s awesome!

    Solid story line. Especially if everybody stays in character, which I love! You really picked a good one there!

    And again…”good boob job” (had to think about this sentence twice…). Are your models getting bigger ones by purpose? Nice forms. But…can you make any statements about the gravity on this planet, please? Those boobs don’t seem to follow ANY physical laws. And don’t give the the, “Oh she is 23. Everything is tight back then.” This is not how physics work!
    On the other hand, we already know how plants and flowers grow in zero G. But how about boobs? We seem to know so little about them and I demand answers! From by government! Wait…do we even have a space program? Who cares! Boobs are Important and science should step it up a notch!
    Na…but seriously…0.6 G? Or lower? Come on!

    And little alert here: Marcus’s face seems to have a serious skin disease. Please check the med bay!

    All in all, a very good read! Keep teasing us!

    CU Albert

  7. Forgot one: Did Marcus ruin his orgasm in the shower? A men would never do that, not even by accident. This one can really hurt. REALLY hurt! If you want reuse that…please investigate. I mean “google it”. Please don’t go around ruining men’s orgasms….just saying….I’m out! Never mind!

  8. Oooh, yes! Another fabulous work from the fertile mind of SAJ. I’ve only had the one read-through yet, so I’ll be absorbing more details as I re-read it over and over ’til the next chapter is released. P.S. Thanks for the tip on Tira Yugen’s tumblr move! Can hardly wait for the release of their next chapter!

  9. Honored to be remembered, delighted to be able to help at all, still infatuated by your commitment to decency and humanity.

    Thanks, again and always, Sindy, for your gift(s) to us.

    1. Ah thank you dude. “infatuated by your commitment to decency and humanity.” is a beautiful thing to say, and to resonate with – your saying it suggests a lot about who you are/ are becoming.

  10. Dear, Sindy,
    great arousing and ethically interesting stuff, i love it and – as usual – waiting for more. Hugs, C

  11. Another compelling story from Sindy. I wonder how the fact that one of the protagonists is a clone tempers the story line and its development. What does a clone bring to the story that a normal (??) human would not — more baggage or less? One would think less, but that may not be the case.

    1. I think this gives the story an excellent touch. The “just a clone, we could make more” against “value of live” in general. That’s an interesting discussion to have. The argument of “we value every blob of cells” against, “but if it’s made my us, we can toss it away like an old battery” brings a new discussion to the legal rights view of things.
      Interesting how Frank makes a difference from the beginning, like “if it’s not naturally born, it has a lower value”. Think the ethics committee like to have a talk later on 😉

  12. Sindy, you are an absolute genius at creating “situations”! Along with the other readers, I almost can’t wait for part two. But, take your time! I don’t want to rush your creative process…

    1. Hehe thanks Nick. Honestly I just observe actual real life and copy it off that, there’s no genius involved really, I promise. Real life is just crazy, and people get trapped and treat each other like resources all the time lol

  13. I’ve been away too long again, life keeps getting in the way of the good stuff. Really thrilled to see that this has happened and looking forward to reading with relish, or maybe chutney, who knows? Anyway thank you you beauty.

  14. Well that’s rather saucy, I love the way you build up sexual tension and the softness of features on Sophy (Shitcrack 🤣), but those boobies take the biscuit. Inverted nipples have rarely been so attractive. When are Nutflix going to commission someone worthy, if they exist, to make this into a series? I guess the work is just too good for that. Thank you so much for this, it’s the most exciting sans fluid exchange comic in the world ever xxx

    1. Hehe thanks Munkjack! Yeah I had some fun creating those nips, glad to see someone noticed 🙂

      And yup, I would pay actual money to see the (full adult) Netflix adaptation! I mean … I mean they should pay me … ahem

  15. Sindy, have you ever thought of animating any of your series? IMHO, Lithium and/or OHB would make great movies! I recently saw an animated vid done by a collaboration of Slappyfrog and AEHentai, where various comic series characters were gathered together, and the characters were true to form! It’s just a wild thought!

    1. Yeah, turns out animation needs like either a team of people and millions of quid and years, or one lonely dude shut in teir flat working 24/7 on it, and I am neither of those things. Even if I sent the scene files and stuff to a production company / whatever, it would still take too much effort for me to steer it so it didn’t get really out of step with my general ‘SAJ’ vibe (you know, realistic awkwardness etc etc) – I’m sure most people could animate clips from the sex scenes and adult video sites are full of two-second video loops of CGI stuff, but actual movies? Nah, can’t see it happening much though I’d loooooove to watch them!

  16. Someday, I’m going to get through one of your comics without crying. Once again, a powerful message coming from beautiful characters.

    1. Ah thanks Blaidd Drwg. Interested what might be the specific trigger for the tears? The Dad stuff? The realisation at work regrets?

  17. Sindy,

    I just love the way you broach very serious subjects and give your point of view about them in such a refreshing, loving, sexy and very humane manner. And it’s sooooo funny, too (check the lower part of picture #135… Man ! I cried out of laughter !) I really do love your comics.

    Is Marcus related in any way to Kal and Anna Smit ? ‘Cause I believe we can see two photos of them together : one in the living room of the root hab where Anna is pregnant, and (maybe) one in Marcus’ “bedroom”, close to his head (not so sure about that one). Since both your and Tira’s works are related, it wouldn’t be that surprising. And I think it would kind of match the dates…

    Please keep it up, I do believe that you bring the “lettres de noblesse” to a genre that is too often sordid.

    Thank you again

    1. Thomas! Well spotted, I did wonder if anyone would see that easter egg so early, so well done (on both counts). Yep, they’re related, and we’ll see some more references in the plot to Marcus’s ancestry fairly soon hopefully 🙂

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