Some Rather Magnificent news

HOT OFF THE PRESS! Okay I’ve received one almighty heads-up that our dear friend-in-common and fave author, Tira Yugen has finally had enough and ditched the mighty Gogggle in favour of Tumblr … (also Goggle but hey I won’t mention it if you don’t).

So … go there for updates I guess >

*Drums fingers on table*

*Refreshes the page*

*And again*

*Once more, for luck*


Okay … new comic isn’t out yet, I guess.




22 thoughts on “Some Rather Magnificent news

  1. Oooh, can’t wait for chapter 6! Anna sitting there waiting for Kal is getting me a bit tingly to find out what happens next.

  2. If I’m not mistaken Tumblr won’t allow porn either. We’ll see though. I really hope it works out because I’m really looking forward to the next episode.

  3. Looks like the stories will get posted to MegaNZ and the blog on Tumblr will attempt to respect Tumblr restrictions.

  4. Magnificent news indeed, will you let us know when she finishes the next install please, rejoining tumblr is proving something of a challenge! xx

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