Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Animals!

Have an amazing few days, whether at home alone or abroad in a huge pile of humans. Wherever you find yourself, I wish you kindness, gentleness and peace!

And tiramisu.

And a delicious stout.

And a mincepie. A good book. Champagne, of course; goes without saying. At least one cheese tsunami. Pigs in blankets, perhaps a sprout. Some prunes to help it all on the way out.

And eventually, when it’s all calmed down, maybe a salad and a glass of cool water.

Sindy x

13 thoughts on “Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Animals!

  1. Have you considered including the occasional animated GIF in your comics?
    For instance, page 57 of The Magnificent Bubble or page 85 of Lithium, being a short loop would have been fantastic.

      1. Yeah I did wonder about it at one time, but it kinda doesn’t translate/distribute very well. I can include animated gifs, but would have to include notes about the ‘original’ comic being available as a mix of PNG and gif, or whatever, and it always seemed a bit clunky.

  2. Y’know Sindy, I just noticed Marcus’ face in the above rendering! I zoomed in and realised he has Anna’s facial structure and eyes, with Kal’s nose and smile! I’m guessing Mr. and Mrs. Kal Goodfellow did, after all, hie off to Japan! GOOD ON THEM!! May the New Year see you safe, well, and creatively fertile! Goddess bless!

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