Quick question

Okay, do me a favour – take a look at the draft cover for the next Skybloom comic (this might not be the final image I choose, but it’s a strong contender):




… okay? Now the question is – out of context and without knowing what positions they’re in – did anybody think those were HER hands on her boobs?

I mean obviously when you look properly, they’re Marcus’s hands – but initially, on first glance, does it seem like they’re somehow Sophie’s own hands?

P.S. next Skybloom comic’s going to be out fairly soon 🙂

P.P.S. for those who didn’t notice, TRMFB comic #7 was released over the Christmas break 🙂

P.P.P.S. boobies.




39 thoughts on “Quick question

  1. No, the hands are definitely his. The texturing on the back of the hands, the size, and the position of the thumbs all indicate that they are his.

    Nice cover BTW, and by cover I mean boobs.

  2. No. I assumed he was enjoying wonderful boobies. Position of thumb, size of hand.

    Looking forward to experiencing it.


  3. No, that is definitely a fond fondle from Marcus, if he tires, do let him know I’d be only too glad to swap places. So, a little bit of hands on in the next issue eh? Excellent.

  4. Even without considering the quite definitely not-as-young-male look of the hands, the thumb position quite clearly indicates they can’t be her hands.

  5. Nope, no confusion at all. Looks great! Looking forward to some delicious boob play! So many tempting boobies have been on display getting precious little affection.

  6. First: boobies. There CAN’t be anything wrong!
    But: If it would be her hands, she would fall on him…she has to lean on _something_…or she would…is this zero G?
    By the way: if you try this at home with your own boobs and it looks like this, then_ your tumbs are on the wrong side of your hand_ (but no biggie though!).

    Picture reminds me of…well it just looks nice. “Double sunrise”. Well…have to go now….

    1. Yeah no you can’t see her left arm supporting herself – I thought the same thing from that draft though and have altered the view so her arm is more obvious. Aaaaanyway all fixed now 🙂

  7. No, thumbs are on the wrong side of the hands to be hers! Pretty sure if you could manage to use her hands in that pose (with thumbs as placed), we’d all know something wasn’t right….even if we couldn’t figure out what it was instantly;)

  8. at first glance it does not seem hers hands: seeing the position they’re in, the side of the hands, the size of the hands. it’s impossible to think it.
    i’m reading the last numbers of magnificent family bubble just to be on par with what they’ve talked about before diving in the new one. i do it everytime a new comic of yours comes out 🙂 thanks.

    1. Cool! Yeah I read my comics now and then too, to try and figure out if there are any plot loopholes, glaring errors, and for errrr booby reasons too. It’s a nice hobby hehh

    1. Wait till you see the final version – great minds 👌

      I mean I would use the morph tool on every render but it’s a massive faff isn’t it? So I do probably 50% of renders, shifting bedding down under their ‘weight’, adding some squeezes here and there – anyway yes. This is definitely a squeezy moment.

  9. Sophie would have had to have been a contortionist for her hands to have been in those positions with her arms in the position they were in! Especially her left hand, when her elbow was alongside Marcus’ head and her forearm was pointing over his head!

    1. Yeah, I was just wondering because on first glance, the human brain does fuzz over minor details like that sometimes.

  10. Nope .. definitely not her hands, besides being to big and rough it doesn’t make sense with how she’s balancing herself (how she would have been balancing herself)
    Off course Marcus would be able to hold her up, but that’s all unnatural.

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