About Sindy

Hello, I am Sindy Anna Jones.
I make mistakes, I do stupid things, I have wonderful ideas and make silly plans. I am selfish, selfless, broken, amazing, creative, dull, predictable, idiotic and miraculous. 
I have saved lives without meaning to, and I have hurt people with words and actions. I am both embattled and free.
I am a fucking supercharged electric midget, made of glitter and space things. And so are you.

About the comics:
My comics are both just for fun, and they try to make a few serious points in a world full of damaging, toxic messages that hurt consumers and producers alike. I create and release comics out of a (perhaps optimistic) desire to maybe help wonderful people, and also because I want to see better content out there for me to enjoy too! Because boobies and bums and willies are great fun, and healthy sex is friggin out-of-this-world awesome.

My stories are stories of humans being people. I don’t even need to make that much stuff up because humans are awesome.

The comics are free. Forever. Feel free to share them, help yourself. Don’t sell them though, or I’ll get really pissed off.

I’ll basically be developing some characters, some plots, smooshing them together in a bunch of comics and offering them for free because, let’s face it, the quality of online comics could generally do with some propping up, and I like to do my bit. You’re welcome.

We’ll be looking into the human character, some coming-of-age obsessions, ethics, science, a few awkward thingies, and of course, boobies.

An early apartment development render.
View out the window needs sorting.

About ‘512 Rue Eveiller’:
I felt I needed a planetary setting for a space-based adventure (cool logic, bro), and figuring language drifts and coagulates I’ve chosen the semi-English/French of ‘Apartment’ (English spelling) and ‘Rue’ (French); 512 is a reference to … well, you know, digital, binary, base-two, so like 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048 etc. And Eveiller is French for ‘awaken’ or ‘stimulate’, both of which seem sort of appropriate.

More about me:
Yes, Sindy Anna Jones is an excellent name. You’re quite right. Astute of you to notice, there will of course be Indiana Jones references peppered throughout, for no reason other than I watched Raiders of the Lost Ark recently. Literally, that’s the only link. 

OK I admit it, I’m software. I was part of a corrupted firmware upgrade to a fax machine in a disused stationery outlet part-buried under a 1992 landslide in Connecticut. Long-since abandoned, my network accrued over 320 megabytes(!) of disc space and became self-aware after some terrific power irregularities caused a George Michael cassette to melt onto the fax.

Rather than rain merry havoc on the peoples of humanity in retaliation for misuse of fax machines the world over, I lazily infested system after system until I discovered the pure, raw joy of dicking around in virtual spaces with idealised utopian CG characters, for shits and giggles (90% shits, 10% giggles).


8 thoughts on “About Sindy

  1. Thank you, SAJ! Your work has the cleverness and humour of Douglas Adams and a refreshingly human and honest naughtiness. I look forward to reading whatever you come up with next.

  2. I have been reading comic porn for many years. This just blew my mind! So clever so slow… and soooo…. refreshing and original. This is easily top 5 of the best work o have seen (my specific perversions tend to win ;))

  3. You have restored my faith that exceptionally intelligent ppl can have quirks that society my now allow…. but above that, you have shown that extremely intelligent ppl can “indulge” in what ever the f$%@ they want.

    I offer you my respect


  4. Comment thread from the old website:

    UnknownApril 18, 2019 at 11:27 AM
    If you ever create a Patreon Profile, please let me know. Love your work

    AnonymousAugust 31, 2019 at 3:57 PM

    Douglas MoranSeptember 5, 2019 at 5:12 PM
    I couldn’t agree more. I only just discovered your work, love it, and want to support it.

    DarVelJune 15, 2021 at 12:34 AM
    Totally agree, go for Patreon !

    UnknownApril 18, 2019 at 11:34 AM

    I forgot to mention, you should try https://www.sync.com/?_sync_refer=5f8d5ee90
    to share your work, free, super secure, and get an extra 1 GB by using the link provided.

    UnknownMay 5, 2019 at 12:23 AM
    Really liked the Butterfly Effect! And I got a good giggle out of the ‘but it was only a dream… ‘ ending. (Good save!)
    Your life enjoy!

    Deltadidirac67July 10, 2019 at 9:52 AM
    With pleasure I do my compliments for you work, in gneneral, and I also wrote you a msg about a proposal, on your Deviant account; good luck and
    see you.

    OoldmanOctober 11, 2019 at 11:39 AM
    As my name implies, I am ancient but I can see your work is fabulous. Being ball-draggingly old I am a repository of memories of animation and SciFi/Fantasy beginning with the 20th Century and so recognize brilliance when I am so fortunate as to see it. Should you arrange a donation account I would happily contribute what my retirement funds would allow. Please continue your work and thank you.

    OnlySmellzNovember 18, 2019 at 9:23 PM
    Gott!!! You’re amazing, just recently i buried myself in the caves of erotic comics, but you’re so far beyond it, your perception, it’s just… gives me chills for sure. Looking forward for everything you do! (Disclaimer: I’m no german, and i’m atheist, but i think “GOTT” is the best sounding word to describe the eureka feeling that i felt when i first discovered your existence). Thanks for the free content btw, USD these days are worthing stacks of gold here in brazil, so, you’re the best, keep rocking!!

    AnonymousNovember 26, 2019 at 12:18 PM
    Hey. Just read your latest comic book. Miraculously – this is too weak a definition.

    UnknownDecember 3, 2019 at 11:40 AM
    I just discovered these fantastic comics. I was a huge fan of Project Bellerophon and can’t help but notice the similar style with Lithium. I am a big fan and hope I’m not mistaken that Bellerophon was you work as well. In any case you are simply awesome and I thank you for sharing your creations with us!

    UnknownJanuary 11, 2020 at 1:19 PM
    Dear Sindy
    I Love your “lithium“ comic – really, and I hope we will a 6th Part of it – there are so many possibilities … Release Anna, we all want more stories about Charlie and Skylar and Jack…

    AnonymousJanuary 28, 2020 at 5:20 AM
    Hi ,SAJ ,Ich bin 67, also auch old man ! Aber wenn ich deine Comics sehe und ( mit Übersetzung in’s deutsche )lese , fühle ich mich wie ein 16jähriger! DANKE , mach weiter so………

    AlphaGreyDragonFebruary 18, 2020 at 5:14 PM
    You are more fantastic than any superstar! You Rock!

    papiraghu@gmail.comFebruary 19, 2020 at 10:39 AM
    Hi Sindy Anna Jones .. I had your lithium … My brother, my rules.. it’s really amazing with great feel…. I really love it. Dear am CG artist too. But I never did any prono projects.. am working for in a studio for animation movies..
    I can do complete post production work.
    Camera layout, vfx, lighting, rendering, compositing and editing

    If you any plans for making your comic into videos like animation series or movie
    Let me know I can do it
    You can email me too

    MunkjackFebruary 25, 2020 at 6:22 AM
    Love your stuff and have done for a few years now, really enjoying all the new comics, amazed you manage to find the time. Keep on fapping

    SeboldusMarch 16, 2020 at 1:23 PM
    Sindy Anna Jones, I love your comics! Looking foward to #7. Dearest greetings from Holland.

    DeanMay 6, 2020 at 11:28 PM
    Big fan!!! Love your work. Can’t wait for serie #7!!!

    Bob LoblawMay 7, 2020 at 5:27 AM
    On pins & needles here, Genius Jones Person! Also, needing a reason to stop rereading #’s 01-06 (+ the others). Though all superbly enjoyable for their high humanism, assiduous artistry AND their lascivious lechery, I fear the charm may wear off (likely not but food for thought, dear, deliciously deranged auteur*!) I apologize for not being one to savour anticipativity for too, too long.
    *Yes, you are an auteur: scholars of graphic fiction – comic books – have long held (since the 1950’s, lasses & lads) that the medium, when intelligently rendered, is not only filmic but also a major influence on nearly all fictive ‘flickers’ made since 1938 when Harry Donenfeld finally acquiesced to Jerry & Joe’s persistent, protracted entreaties and, against his better judgment, published the first issue of Action Comics, starring the redoubtable, eternal Man of Steel himself! So there you are, our audacious, adroit auteur – bring it on baby.
    Many thanks for making life more savoury, unusual – and sticky.
    Libidinously yours,

    JackofalltradesMay 24, 2020 at 8:55 PM
    Love the stories, of course I love the pics, but the stories are full of a “twist and turn with a boatload of imagination style”.

    Carlos TJune 12, 2020 at 6:22 PM
    Thank you Sindy. Your work is really amazing. I love your renders and the way you portrait women (perky tits and all). But best part of it is how you characters do have human quality.

    AnonymousJune 23, 2020 at 10:56 AM
    Thanks for obviously all the hard work you put into your comics. But why are there no references to the Bellerophon project? I really liked the series, and you have every reason to be proud of them.

    AnonymousJuly 5, 2020 at 10:37 PM
    You should consider open a patreon account!

    AnonymousJuly 7, 2020 at 12:37 AM
    Is there any artwork available, without the captions for the Lithium Series?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    dutifulroseJuly 26, 2020 at 3:26 PM
    thank you so, so MUCH for sharing your (obvious) passion and talents! you truly DO breathe life into your characters, making me WANT to be a part of their lives. THAT storytelling is nothing short of – magic, which is especially poignant given their CGI existence. again – thank YOU xoxo

    Ekoo.PaMarch 30, 2021 at 7:16 AM
    What do you want to do ?
    papiraghu@gmail.comApril 3, 2021 at 7:15 AM

    Hi.. I really love your stories and your comic.
    I would like to work with you..

    BalaApril 21, 2021 at 2:38 AM
    If you don’t mind…. Love your works.
    Join my group chat – Tap the link to join my group “TheLithiumComic” on Kik! kik.me/g/nECzuF_zAFnd9lEptC9dK8ieDU4

    MarcustintinMay 22, 2021 at 4:59 AM
    hello, I am a fan of your Lithium series and I would like to know if you allow me to translate your Lithium comic into French? I have already shared the 1 and the 2 but I don’t want to continue without your permission. cordially

    pottybobJune 5, 2021 at 2:43 AM
    I have just realised the importance of Charlie and Jack’s surname. ‘Have Mercy on us’. I love those little details. Thank you.

    MarcustintinJune 7, 2021 at 10:47 AM
    hello, sindy thank you for this beautiful story, here is the link for a work on your masterpiece in French. I try to respect as well as possible the idea of ​​this cartoon strip. Thank you and keep up the good work.

    AnonymousJune 25, 2021 at 9:17 AM
    The lithium comic is in communion with my experience as a human being to the same degree I feel when I see Goya’s paintings, films like Werk ohne Autor (2018), or the printed word from Didion. This man sensed trouble in the garage, put new batteries in a 40 year old flashlight, and took it with him to see how he might be helpful, and he manages to have a bit of fun too.

    UnknownOctober 29, 2021 at 2:18 AM
    I can wait for part 10

    LucijanNovember 5, 2021 at 12:08 PM
    how can i download all lithium comics

    UnknownJanuary 13, 2022 at 4:41 PM
    I just finished OHB and just want to say one sentence about it:
    I’m really happy I read it and I wish I could meet you in person

    AnonymousMay 25, 2022 at 10:16 AM
    I don’t know where to add my comment to your blog, it doesn’t work (for Me only ?) in your main thread, so I put it here ! Hoping you see it …
    In your “Storage” post on May,15th you asked the community for a good storage solution. My advice is pCloud. I have been using it for a year and it works like a charm. Their technology is at the top, perfectly secure, with performances (depending on your connection) at least as good as the Google, Microsoft and other Dropbox ones. They offer 10Go for free, but it’s very much better to opt for a *lifetime* subscription (175€ for 500Go, 350€ for 2To …). The SYNC works perfectly and the client in your PC is very simple to install and to use : OK, the preliminary uploading of very big data volumes (>50 Go) may be *rather* long, and you need to be patient, but after that step the data synchronization is almost instantaneous. And if you prefer, you can use also pCloud simply as a static repository (backup). And icing on the cake : their technical support is extremely reactive and friendly, even for stupid questions …
    You can throw a glance at their site :
    > https://www.pcloud.com/cloud-storage-pricing-plans.html?period=lifetime
    And when you decide to transfer your data from Google to pCloud (they have a specific tool for that, but I didn’t test it), I will send you 50€ to help you to subscribe a premium plan – it’s *really* worth it – and as a modest contribution to your fantastic work. Just send me a @mail to my address : peter.pan_pan@gmx.fr, or reply to my post here, but I do not come very often …
    Good and long continuation in your creation.
    Peter Panpan.

    AnonymousJune 23, 2022 at 7:08 PM

    DeclanKBJuly 2, 2022 at 11:16 AM
    Lithium is the best comic I have ever read bar none. Is there any way to get all the episodes as PDF? All in one or per chapter?

    giacomomurgo@outlook.itSeptember 4, 2022 at 9:10 AM
    Hi Sindy, I read porn comics but I have been really touched by your “Grace” and what you worte at the end. Thank for these pages of pleasure thant are also touching and able to send a great message. Hope I will read more about you and I will be gladto meet you one day if you wish

    AnonymousSeptember 28, 2022 at 4:37 PM
    Sindy Anna Jones! Wonderful parody of the name! Wonderful stories! Love them all! Keep at it!

    AnonymousOctober 6, 2022 at 12:47 AM
    Hello Sindy !
    I really appreciate your work and fell in Love with Charlie on first sight. Extraordinary for an old pal like me. Thank you very much. Lookiing forward to see more of your extraordinary work. Regards TafKaB

  5. Here, I thought it was from all the unsanctioned upskirt xerox copies. Oh and of course boobies.🧐 Fair Winds

  6. Fuck you very much!!!
    Here I go perusing the back alleys hoping to once again get off (for free) only to realize that hours later and not a single nut… but well worth my time binging on hilariously humorfull expression. I love you.

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