Sindy Anna Jones

Crashy & mad

So I’ve written Madiy & Crash to the finish – turns out there’s only two more comics to this mini series, and although it takes a pretty serious turn for the worse (don’t worry, that’s not a spoiler, it’s almost certainly not what you think … or if it is, it’ll be ages before we…


Some Rather Magnificent news

HOT OFF THE PRESS! Okay I’ve received one almighty heads-up that our dear friend-in-common and fave author, Tira Yugen has finally had enough and ditched the mighty Gogggle in favour of Tumblr … (also Goggle but hey I won’t mention it if you don’t). So … go there for updates I guess > *Drums…


Skybloom comic 1: Unprofessional

It’s here. I’ve been taking my time with different concepts, different storylines – I mean if you sit down and try to write the human experience into chunks, it begs the question, where to begin? Well, the OHB series kinda started with self worth, Lithium takes the casual approach to freedom from guilt and control,…



Okay, Colony comic’s neeeeearly here! It’s 142 pages, all but the last 10 or so have speech bubbles all done. I just need to take my time reading through and making sure I’m happy with the way it’s going in terms of ethics/vibe/easter eggs, things like that. So a little about it; I’m really pleased…


New Colony comic, coming soon ish!

Well good news I’ve flipping-well basically almost finished a whole comic! Hooray! I didn’t go with the reunited twins -themed one this time, because that one hadn’t yet found its feet in terms of the completed plot and I prefer not to charge off creating something in 3D if the script doesn’t yet have its…


How to use a bath.

Look, it’s very simple … okay fine, I’m procrastinating from Lithium by developing the Backyard twin characters, and I’m procrastinating from that by making another *checks notes* twenty pages of the Colony comic, and now I’m procrastinating from that by blogging about procrastinating on it. But yesterday I read through the Colony script and it’s…


Life in the backyard …

Just wanted to say thank you! Thanks everyone for your comments in the recent vote thingy, some wonderful thoughtful responses in there from a wonderful readership! Well done all. So believe it or not, I am actually going to go with the flow and focus on the comic that pretty much everyone went for in…


Patriarchy and Barbie

So … I saw the Barbie movie. It’s great. Or if you’re troubled by it; it’s a bit challenging, and that’s good. Even better, in fact. Either way, definitely worth a watch. Is it perfect? No. I think it is a bit problematic in places, but that doesn’t detract from the overall message; that no…


Je Suis Huw

Thought I’d pop in to update everyone on my meanderings, and discuss Lithium #12’s  rather Nostradamus-esque powers regarding a certain BBC newsreader. As the UK headlines the last few weeks will tell you, Huw was a news anchor for twenty entire squeaky-clean years … until some great big underage sex scandal got out. It may…


The little break

Look, sorry but I’m having a little break from making comics, it seems. So if you wanna have a little break and check the blog again in a month or two, that would make sense. Looking at my many and various creative endeavors over the last few decades (PS. I am extremely old … I’m…


Staring into beauty

HELLO the internet. Well, gosh it’s been a few weeks eh and no doubt many things have happened in your life since we last spoke. How do you feel about that? Hmm, I hear ya, I hear ya. Existence eh? Classic stuff. Personally I have been suffering from what the doctor calls a ‘disease’, which…


The world over

Um yah. Thought I’d log into e-hentai for the first time in years and years, turns out the comics I uploaded there have been doing a roaring trade. See bar graph, and although it looks like they tail off, I completely stopped uploading comics there in 2020 (other people upload them since then), so these…


Final checks …

It’s funny, I always get tons of visits to my blog ramping up towards a new Lithium comic (understandably), then after the mad flurry of the comic release it generally then dies down for a few months. Not many people check my blog after a Lithium has gone out, assuming there won’t be anything else…


A damn fine team …

Madiy and Crash! New comic out early next week! Renders are all done, bleubies are all ready, thingies and adventures and exclamation marks are all set and raring to gooooo!!!!! LET’S HOPE THERE ISN’T SOME SORT OF AWKWARD SUBTEXT GOING ON HERE EH flip knows what could REALLY BE GOING ON AAARGHHHH. So tune in…



As you may know, I wrote 95% of the Lithium series in one sitting a few years back, and I’ve been working through producing the actual comics every few months. Well, today I took some time out from my not-very-busy work (hey it’s Easter, everyone’s porking chocolate), and FINISHED writing Lithium! 100%. Wahoo! Well. Honestly,…


Fresh worlds and new dreams

Thanks everyone for kind comments about the recent Lithium comic, I’m glad people liked it! Someone said that final page (William Bartock’s Yee haa) was like a horror story, haha! It’s a fair point, not sure what the future holds for that cheeky little bugger, lol. Although … Skylar did introduce that doll as “A…


Haha breast physics hahaha

Okay! So I still haven’t sorted all the comic/downloads links on that page of the website, but I did add all the ‘social’ buttons to the top left of the website – and as youtube was an option I added my random youtube channel and hahahahahaaa I’d totally forgotten I’d done some booby physics ‘tutorial’…


Symbolism, wooOOooOOoooo …

I have this sort-of-policy where I don’t put too much thought into my stories. Know what I mean? Like if you force it, it doesn’t work as well. I think things are best when they’re more seat-of-the-pants because then your subconscious brings more gems from the depths of creation rather than you trying to control…



Just thought I’d pop in and say hello HELLO. In the picture above, Jack is helping Skylar with something. And yes, the door is breaking, click-click CRACK goes the poor door frame but don’t worry, for it uses futuristic safety glass and nothing can break that stuff, no not even young Jack’s thrusty efforts. New…


New comic released tomorrow!

Who likes free? Who likes comics? Who likes FREE COMICS wahoooo!!!! Well, that’s three wishes in one, but okay if you insist. I’m going to release a silly little tongue-in-cheek mini space adventure comic early morning tomorrow! Hooray! Okay, no it’s not the next Lithium, but it does have … you know. Boobies. I mean…


Comic update …

  Happy Friday everyone! Here are two bits of good news (I mean aside from the existence of this whole new website thingy! Welcome!); [1] I’m nearing the last couple of scenes for Lithium #12, so if you feel like you’ve waited a looong time for it then well done you! I’m super busy with…


The big blog swap

  OKAY! So it looks from the stats of this blog like a good number of people can still get in (you’re obviously playing Google’s game; well done you for being patient). So I’m just popping in to give an update here; an extremely kind fan has offered to build and host a Sindy Anna…


A new home.

Okay, huge news which is inconvenient but I do agree with their decision – Google are phasing out easily accessible adult sites. So I’m going to have to find a new home for this blog. Bummer.  Temporary home: Deviantart. So Google have turned on a savage age verification system which means you have to (1)…


Sitting up.

Okay look, it’s January, people keep going on about joining a gym and losing weight and blah blah, but I figure the older I get the less fit I’ll be and the less effort I’m planning on putting in, so something’s got to give. So that’s right, Charlie’s going to do my exercise for me….


Great news, everyone!

Okay fine, Lithium #12 won’t be the last comic in that series. FINE! I’ve been thinking about it, and reading my notes for wrapping it all up, and I think if I kept it within a single comic it’d be near 300 pages to do it justice, which is just silly and would take like…


The famous 24 hour comic

Okay listen, OH WAIT Happy new year etc etc! If you made it this far, collect five ‘cool’ points. <insert worst gif ever /> Sorry for not writing anything for ages but you know, life does that thing sometimes, doesn’t it? And if I’m honest, I genuinely think the next Lithium is going to be…


It’s a Christmas miracle!

YOU BOY, WHAT DAY IS THIS?!?!! Why, it’s December the 22nd, Sir/Madam/anonymous author of exceptional internet erotica! THEN I HAVEN’T MISSED IT!!!! *runs down stairs* *buys turkey* *throws turkey away because turkey is awful and dry* *buys a goose* *dry-humps Kermit* *rolls self in bacon and leaps into an oven* WELL! A Happy Christmas indeed!…


Hunt Sindy!

Okay listen, London’s a big place and there’s lots of people here, but I thought it’d be funny to do a real life treasure hunt, so … basically right now I’m in Westminster, sitting in a pub beside a Christmas Tree (why they have a massive tree up already I don’t know), so you know….


Almost nothing whatsoever

Just thought I’d pop in to say almost nothing whatsoever! Hooray! Here are a bunch of renders picked completely at random from this ridiculous blog! Hooray!   Okay, maybe not picked completely at random. I’m wondering if we made the toxic masculinity points clearly enough with that guy above, whether we need to revisit him?…


Ask the internet! Update: done!

Okay, after everyone’s genius at correctly identifying Pet Elf for me a few months back, I thought I’d ask the internet another slightly awkward what-is-this-comic question!  EDIT: Someone sent it to me so no worries. It was far more dodgy than I remember haha! Ahem. Woopsy. Anyway, as always asking the internet worked a treat,…


Thanks everybody!

Wanted to say thank you to everyone for all the wonderful comments on the recent Lithium comic; people are amazing, aren’t they?! Yes, you are. I’m glad the feedback form asked the “What was your favourite bit?” question, because it always surprises me how people can gain so much from the slightest, tiniest little bits…


Cover reveal …

Haven’t quite finished that dang final scene yet, but I have had a chance to race through a bunch of making the speech bubbles, and my-oh-my, there’s some silliness in this one, I can tells ya.  See photoshop layers image, lol. Anyway, there’s a cover preview below – the final cover of Lithium Comic #11…


The very long scene …

Okay, there’s still just one scene left, but it turns out it’s quite a long one so is taking a little longer than expected. Good news though … it is entirely possible that Lithium #11 will be out this Friday! I’d say it’s 50/50 possible this Friday. Unless more things kick off in the real…


Too … much … sexy …. hrrrnggggg

I spent most of the day in a delightful market town that confused me greatly. You know the sort of place that blends intriguingly beautiful narrow Tudor side-streets with totally crap mouldy nineties architecture and abandoned shopping trolleys? Like four hundred years ago this was a bustling mecca, and since then it’s pretty much all…


Stop voting! Staaahppp!!

Okay okay after three short days and over fifteen hundred opinions submitted (!), here are a few things I have learnt about you wonderful people of the internet: People care about pyjamas (quite right, quite right); People massively prefer Tartan to Silk; Boobies. All good insights, there; thank you, everyone. Here is a picture of…


Rooms that are not rooms.

I thought I’d enjoy some quiet time over the summer break and actually get round to reading through my own (and other) comics! Yay! It’s been a pleasant surprise to go through old work like this.  Anyway one thing that amused me was that fact that our favourite kids’ apartment isn’t actually one apartment, it’s…


A very, very big heads-up. Hooohh.

Do you like erotic comics? Do you like pure joy?!?!! Well … as a little mid-summer treat, I have just been sent the pre-release draft of The Rather Magnificent Family Bubble part #4, which will apparently be out in a few days – and honestly, it’s brilliant. Tira has used my free orange dress V4…


A very, very big waste of time.

You know how sometimes you work on something and … at the time you think it’s IMPORTANT and SUBSTANTIAL and is therefore okay to ignore all other responsibilities because it is just so IMPORTANT, and that’s mostly down to you really really getting into it? I’ve basically just wasted *checks notes* … yes … yep,…



 Ah, the human body eh? Here one day, gone the next. VERY here some days, and if you’re anything like me, pretty much a stack of crap the next. It can do amazing things, and … anyway, I digress. Orgasms though … hold on, I’m still digressing. Ahem. Hoohhh. I’ve been putting together the apartment,…


The Eggiest of all the Eggy Eggs

Okay, you know how I like to put film/TV and niche pop culture references in my comics, well there’s also self-referential consistency MADNESS in every comic, too. Here are the top 10 silly ones from Lithium #10 … how many did you spot?!   ^ circled in red is Skylar’s goddamn TOAST which she dropped…



Holy crapballs, I just found someone’s translated all my comics into French! Zut alors! Wowee, that’s so cool someone’s gone to all that effort, heheh awesome! So here’s some of my favourite bits, en Francais: … amazing, the French for GYEUGG is GYEUGG! Who’d have thought, huh?! Hahaha. Ahh, Baba Yaga. Damn I need to…


Lithium Lives on!

  Comic 10 was not the last in the series! HOW many TIMES do I have to tell people?!!? I’ve had this since like comic #2; people panicking saying YOU CAN’T LEAVE IT THERE!!!! Listen, sometimes when we say ‘The End’, it means the end of this chapter / this comic, okay? Ongoing series means…


Ethealdor Epilogue

Do you like sexy comics that make you warm in the crotch but somehow deeply calm?  Do you like group sex? Do you like tentacle sex? And incest? And MASSIVE great explosions?! Do you like comics so beautiful that you will uncontrollably weep with the freaking wonder of everything?!! Do you like boobies? And bottoms?…


It’s happening.

^ Barely even counts as a spoiler, but yeah there’s some new people. OK … I have completed all of the rendering for Lithium #10*. The comic will not be quite out this week I don’t think, because I still need to do all the bubbles and put like 20 pages together. But I think…


Oh deary me … again …

Okay I’ve completed over 160 pages-worth of renders; this is going to be a truly epic comic! I mean sure it’s a total shit-storm, but that doesn’t really communicate the extent to which this is a work of total madness, does it, huh? Well, let’s put it this way: the last comic (Lithium #9; 175…


Render tests

I’m ploughing along merrily, and testing lighting briefly as I zap another batch of 3D wonderment into my computer’s poor render queue, and the little machine winces noticeably at me. Don’t worry lil’ fella, it’ll all be over soon. Couple a’ weeks. Have to admit, I enjoy this phase of the comic creation process; you’ve…


*Runs in*

*panting* … *still panting* OKAY QUICK UPDATE! The [total shit] British Government is falling apart! Hoorayyyy!!!! The comic is at 140 pages complete! Hoorayyyy!! The weather is lovely and the wonder of the World is full and mysterious and BURSTING with the quiet music RN! Yesssss!!! Ah, when Boris Johnson gets 48 hours of the…


Aaaaaand … boobs.

(OK fine I couldn’t decide what to title this blog post). Anyway the comic: 120 pages done! Woop! I have to be honest; I’ve slowed down a tiny bit, having ploughed through all of the action sequences last month, there’s some actually much more complex scenes I’ve had to do more carefully this last week. …



Here’s a picture of some naked people with guns.  I’m sitting in a trendy cafe working on the comic AS WE SPEAK. Now, I know it’s a trendy cafe because I’m surrounded by bubbly, noisy people wearing lots of crochet and pastels and I know I’m aaaalmost trendy because I’m wearing something very flowery indeed…


Hellooooo there …

Alrighty then, here’s a minor spoiler or two, but they don’t give anything real away, they’re just for funsees, and to be honest there are a million million little tiny gags like this in Lithium #10, it’s *completely* ridiculous. I’m at 90 pages complete, and have been test-reading it along with the music and I…
