Fapping heck!

A sneak peak at the imminent comic. There’s a running theme of Charlie gettingherself off every time anything happens. Well. You know. Art imitating life … Well what an extraordinary response to the previous post; I’ve had 140 comments in the previous day or two. Obviously anonymous forms are the way to go! Feeling very…


Less light

It’s interesting [to me] how, if we fully light a scene, it can look fake and boring. But if we remove lights, leave lots of shadow, it all sort of pops more. I think Caravaggio was probably onto something. And maybe that’s one of the things that makes ‘vintage’ porn so much more interesting to…


Future things

OK I’ve made a decent start on Lithium #6, but it’s a long comic so don’t hold your breath; things are hectic at the beginning of a new year & this may take a while. I did notice on a forum somewhere (I googled my name, as you do), that lots of people think Lithium…


Decent onesies

Ok, so slightly awkward confession here, I went down a bit of an internet rabbit hole this week and discovered the joys of … onesies? There’s Rule 34, sure, but I was slightly surprised to find some excellent potential for onesies out there.  However, as you may know, porn is rubbish! There’s no love, no…


Cover preview! Woop woop!

 OK so having done 138 pages now, I only just worked out what the cover should be, and rendered it out … So here’s a little preview because when the final comic lands, nobody’s going to notice these details as they ravenously consume the comiccy goodness within, so let’s have a calm look, shall we?…


The non-update update.

Honestly, honestly. It’s been two weeks hasn’t it? Yeah sorry about that, I haven’t lifted a finger on 3D comics, sure. And it’s not that old excuse of being ‘busy’ that’s kept me off the 3D comics, I could’ve been more busy, it’s not busyness it’s more something else. I’ve been getting counseling. And yes…


Wishlists! Yay!

Ok if you ever thought you’d like to buy me something, I figure now and then I’ll make a wishlist of a few 3D things, that way people can get involved 🙂 So here goes, one little wishlist: Renderosity: https://www.renderosity.com/rr/mod/bcs/wishlist/?uid=946092 ^ This includes a bunch of stuff I still need for the upcoming comic, so…


The path ahead.

Hello. In the latest comic, I apparently spelt ‘noodle’ as ‘noddle’! Fuck! Aaaah well. We all make mistakes. Noddle, though. Noddle. Bugger! 😆 Anyway. I’ve always uploaded my comics to e-hentai, this isn’t because I really like that site, it’s purely for me to get some idea of user stats. I mean, most of the…


Big boobs, small bra problems

OK minor detail but it’s a fun one so I figure it’s the kind of thing Charlie and Jack will have a chat about. Charlie’s lovely pink bra (and it is a lovely 3D model, you have to admit; whoever made it did a great job, which you can see from the close-ups in comic…


Good and bad. Goodbad. Badgood.

Someone mentioned recently that they dig my references to ‘both-and’. Thanks; yeah I think we [society] miss that stuff so much – a quick look at Twitter will reveal that nuance and paradox are not exactly commonly understood. Then a friend messaged me this link on the who’s-bad, who’s-good thing: https://thereforenow.com/2011/09/the-tax-collector-with-the-pharisees-speech-in-his-pocket/  It’s interesting, that. And…


The subtle things …

  I thought I’d open an old file for lols but I was too impatient to include the proper character customisations files and … well … So this is a lesson in what happens to 3D scenes when you don’t put any effort into making the people people. A few test renders that made me…


Olly olly oxen free

Ok fine, I’m struggling to share renders without giving hints about the next comic. There are entire acts I haven’t shared a single render of because it totally gives major spoilers, but stuff like this is fair game, so … In this lovely bottomy image, the lighting meant Charlie’s bottom totally disappeared, so this is…


The Lithium Comic. 05: In Tents

Comic five is here! Wahoooo! In our last comic, we learnt the dark family secret that mean aunt Karen had been hiding. Tsss, that woman. Our young heroes managed to survive the news, but now need to figure out the next tentative steps in this already controversial relationship. Fingers crossed it goes well, eh? Download…


The very long scene …

Okay, there’s still just one scene left, but it turns out it’s quite a long one so is taking a little longer than expected. Good news though … it is entirely possible that Lithium #11 will be out this Friday! I’d say it’s 50/50 possible this Friday. Unless more things kick off in the real…


One two … one two … this is just a test

My word, Twitter’s annoying, isn’t it? I’ve just hooked up IFTTT from this blog to current [rubbish] username @SindyAnnaJones3 (now bust) – but Twitter keeps locking me out and has managed to set me up three times with the wrong details so now I can’t edit the handle Tsssk, ah well perhaps it’s not meant…


Comic update: it’s warm.

Comic’s chugging along (updates below), and the world is turning nicely. I don’t know if you’re in a part of the world that’s having a heatwave right now, but I am. It’s hot. Damn hot. As hot as a monkey’s anus. Climbing into bed is like tucking oneself into a just-cooked lasagna. Aaanyway, the next…


Help me tweak the next script!

OK I’ve done 100 pages on the next comic, with speech bubbles and everything, largely because I’d already done 200 renders over the summer and they were sitting there in a folder. So that’s good! Also good: I’d forgotten about them, and they’re flipping hot. Lithium comic #5 is going to be a trouser-breaker. A…


Fifty naughty boys

Anyone who’s done any 3D will have learnt the lesson that as soon as you add objects your scene rendering time jumps up – add five chairs and things slow down, add three people and you triple the processing maths; human characters are particularly complex. So you’ll probably appreciate this test render. Fifty actual people…


The Fappening

Stuck at home? Good. We’ve been asked to sit around and wank. Playing right to my skillset, there. Annoyingly, I have a slightly need-to-do-it sort of job, so I have been (and will be) working like a banshee for a good while; this is the first real, solid hour I’ve been free since the last…


Invited, uninvited.

Weeell … I was going to start Lithium #13 with Jack having sex with Skylar, like this: … where she’s fallen asleep in a weird position, and he wakes up and is like “OOH … HELLO!”. And I initially wrote it like that because I had that pose of hers in my head and I…


How’s your Pauline?

OK I’ve actually made pretty good headway on the next Lithium comic. Rather than dipping into the blog and writing some nonsense every few days, I’ve instead taken the hours/days I can scrounge here and there to move the rendering schedule forward, and I can honestly say … I think this next comic’s my fave…


A very, very big heads-up. Hooohh.

Do you like erotic comics? Do you like pure joy?!?!! Well … as a little mid-summer treat, I have just been sent the pre-release draft of The Rather Magnificent Family Bubble part #4, which will apparently be out in a few days – and honestly, it’s brilliant. Tira has used my free orange dress V4…


Okay okay okay okay okay wait wait wait

It turns out I’m racing through this comic and we’ve done at least half now. Which is kinda awesome, because I’ve been thinking about / delaying this one for about a year or something ridiculous (when did Lithium #9 come out?! When did I write this dang series?!?!? Yonks ago, that’s when), so it’s really…


So … I’m working on a comic …

… it’s called *checks notes* … The Hydrogen Comic, or something like that. Molybdenum? Manganese? It’s some element … got a few electrons orbiting with each other, and then a third electron in another orbit. Huh. It’s almost as if … anway. I’m working on Calcium Comic 8, and wouldn’t ya know, I’ve just spaffed…


Musky McMoneybags

Update: tune in this Sunday for some behind-the-scenes nonsense: It’s interesting looking at some of your feedback for ohb8; most applauding the dig I had at billionaire culture, but a few people saying I was wrong about Musk. I mean it’s an interesting one, isn’t it? I think the point is that billionaires simply shouldn’t…


Rendering!!!!! Hooooly smokes

I so want to share tons of renders here but it’d all be spoilers, so it’s … hard. And wet. Oh heck, this next comic is going to be pretty good.   You never know, you know? You have this idea in your head, and this script in your hands (and by hands I mean laptop),…


Gawd bless ‘er! I mean ‘im!

Okay, as you may know I originally hail from the great and slightly iffy country of England, and so this last weekend was a major one because … you know, kings and crowns and pedestals and service and madness and all that. And I do currently find myself within these blessed shores. I don’t have…


Lithium comic 9 … under development!

Whaaaat? I’ve already done the first 25 pages of the next comic?!?! Goodness me, what a busy little bugger I am! This next comic is not only going to have the utterly greatest title of all time, it’s also going to include … well let’s be honest there may be some nudity. But do you…



Anyone who’s written anything knows at some point you have to make up new stuff. This is one of those times, and to be honest it’s quite good fun! We’re fitting a legacy/origins storyline into the Star Trek universe, which coincides with the STFW universe too, but at this stage (this stage being 2020, as…


Gifs! Gifs! Gifs! Love me some gifs

Here’s the first few silly gifs! Hoooray! Charlotte and her bestest pal Jack, enjoying a sunny morning in the bathroom.  I regret nothing. Share them wherever you like, I’ll prob delete them sometime, knowing me. Note: the only rule with these gifs, is that if you pronounce it a soft J sound, ‘jifs’, then you…


Developing Charlie as we go …

If you haven’t read the first comic, start there! Here are a few more test renders of our main character, Charlie, as she needs to be ready for different situations in the upcoming comic. Anyway, as we’ve established in the first comic; she’s not perfect, she’s liable to a little bit of shouting, she’s tall…


Trolls are people too

I’ve had a lot of feedback over the years. I think it’s an important thing to engage with; if we don’t listen to feedback, what we’re saying is we have all the answers in life; we’re saying “Screw other people’s stinky opinions, my ego’s more happy in isolation”. But feedback can help us grow (I…


Splendid Tiramisu

Thanks to Shades for signposting, and to Fred Brown for spotting this: – Tira, of Rather Magnificent fame, has moved to Renderosity for updates – and it looks like the much-anticipated 6th comic is … actually … on the way! **SQUEEEE!** Wait, is it squee or sqwee? Squie … skwee … hmm. This is what…


Nasty women.

Sex! Whooo! Yeah! Ahem. Sorry, I was thinking about something else. In a slight P.S. to my previous blog post – it’s interesting that someone commented a while back saying that if I [Sindy] was a woman, then I’m a ‘damn nasty one’. Now … this is interesting because I realise that in certain parts…


Falling down. Looking up.

In the last comic, lots of people were hit in the feels by Mike’s journey. I must’ve had a hundred comments from people saying the same exact thing: this was something ‘other’, way beyond anything that went before. That’s cool, and a huge compliment to my efforts with these comics, thank you. One guy said…


A PLETHORA of feedback!

If you haven’t read the latest comic. Read it. It’s out. Really glad everyone liked it; the average rating was 10/10, which is cool, so thank you. Someone mentioned it was nice to read through the feedback a few comics ago, so I thought I’d just paste the first 150 or so comments below. Pictured…



Can anyone recommend a free cloud storage thingy? I’ve been using Google Drive but I’m a bit worried they’ll see boobies and think I’m a deviant and ban me and I’ll get the Feds knocking at my door (despite me not being anywhere near America, but you know … I’ve seen movies where they do…


Kickin butt and gettin nakey

OK! I’m feeling a little better about this whole ultra-mega-ridiculous comic thing rn, which is always good! I’ve done a few scene setups and a little edit of the text and it sort of comes together more neatly now.  I don’t think this is going to be the final Lithium comic; I say that because…


2020 is MY year! Not yours, MIIIIIIINE!!!

I keep seeing possessive new years resolutions stuff around the place. 2020 is going to be MY year. MINE. My precioussss … I mean sure it’s good to go into the future with a positive outlook, but I kinda think we need a culture that understands fresh starts isn’t just an annual event; it’s a…


*Runs in*

*panting* … *still panting* OKAY QUICK UPDATE! The [total shit] British Government is falling apart! Hoorayyyy!!!! The comic is at 140 pages complete! Hoorayyyy!! The weather is lovely and the wonder of the World is full and mysterious and BURSTING with the quiet music RN! Yesssss!!! Ah, when Boris Johnson gets 48 hours of the…


Some Rather Magnificent news

HOT OFF THE PRESS! Okay I’ve received one almighty heads-up that our dear friend-in-common and fave author, Tira Yugen has finally had enough and ditched the mighty Gogggle in favour of Tumblr … (also Goggle but hey I won’t mention it if you don’t). So … go there for updates I guess > https://www.tumblr.com/tirayugen *Drums…


Time for a good wash.

I made a little bathroom, previewed in an earlier blog. Well, thing is I got carried away and did about 12 renders of these guys sharing a bath and getting more than a little rambunctious. Not that that’s in the comic, I just had the scene and was testing with the characters and … one…


Wears the soap

It seems that, in between real life and work and some pretty big changes that have happened recently, I can’t see Lithium being completed for a few years. Don’t panic! Read this blog post in full before anyone goes nuts. Sure there’s only two comics to go, but based on (1) recent changes to Poser,…


Stat things

Can’t believe I published eleven comics in 2019. That’s quite a lot. I think as I get deeper into the comic series plotlines, the comics will probably get a little longer, so I’m unlikely to release eleven in 2020. At least I hope I don’t. Considering this is a random hobby I crowbar into my…


Ok I have a plan.

Thanks for the lovely comments etc on the blog about me needing a break, especially to the loads of you who said that comic I was trying to find was Pet Elf – thanks everyone. Especially the actual author!! Amazing! Anyway, on the me-needing-a-break thing, I’ve done what people tend to do when they’re in…


Lies, damn lies, and Google Analytics.

Thought I’d log into the ol’ Google-mo-tron and find out [vague information] about my blog visitors. It’s been interesting producing a series of comics which is increasingly equality-focussed in its values – I wondered if that correlated with the type of visitor I got. Turns out it does! I started off with what is probably…


Good news, everyone!

  OK so basically, I’ve done like 155 pages of the next comic, and there’s probably only 20 more to go. I don’t know what I was thinking aiming for ‘before Christmas’, because this thing is an epic amount of work! There’s 12 sex scenes so far. TWELVE. Count them though … onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightninetenelevenTWELVE (insert Sesame…



Here’s a picture of some naked people with guns.  I’m sitting in a trendy cafe working on the comic AS WE SPEAK. Now, I know it’s a trendy cafe because I’m surrounded by bubbly, noisy people wearing lots of crochet and pastels and I know I’m aaaalmost trendy because I’m wearing something very flowery indeed…


Swimming is awesome

I know what you’re gonna say … I’m spending too much time playing with the Charlie character. Well, maybe. But sorting her clothing is much harder than with Jack, because there are loads of ‘guy’ freebies out there that are normal. Jeans: done. Tshirt: done. Easy. But the female clothing freebies are stupid bloody peephole…


The light shines in the darkness

Big thanks to a few people who’ve bought lots from my wishlist recently! Very generous, thank you. Someone commented that I should charge therapy rates for my comics, haha that’s a fine idea! Glad they have some impact in what does seem a rather dark world, especially right now. Lots could be said about these…


A damn fine team …

Madiy and Crash! New comic out early next week! Renders are all done, bleubies are all ready, thingies and adventures and exclamation marks are all set and raring to gooooo!!!!! LET’S HOPE THERE ISN’T SOME SORT OF AWKWARD SUBTEXT GOING ON HERE EH flip knows what could REALLY BE GOING ON AAARGHHHH. So tune in…


Goodnight, my little cuntie

Okay while doing some important research (aka fannying around on the internet), I came across QUITE the series of filthy letters from hugely acclaimed author of Ulysses; James Joyce. You may have read them, it went viral back in 2010 or something. Ah well, I thought it was worth sharing here anyway because … my…


Minor spoilers …

Well, I have to admit I’m having a *lovely* time finishing up this comic! It’s … well, it’s … I was trying to think about a way of blogging about this, but then the list of Photoshop layers kinda summed it up nicely, so here’s a screengrab of some of them >>> Jinkies x Come…


Ooooohhhh … not long … hrnnngg …

Someone said they wondered what our voyeur neighbours made of all this, and I wasn’t going to bother adding them in (it’s already total mayhem plot), but heck I just couldn’t resist. So there’s a mini cameo in there now. I know, I know, I’m too kind.  Comic update:  Renders: 99.9% complete (literally just need…


Beauty sees beauty.

One of my favourite writers, Richard Rohr, made some interesting observations about Homers Odyssey, and you see a little of my discussion of the same themes in OHB comics 7 & 8, as well as Lithium, and … well, all my comics let’s face it. Rohr points out that in the Odyssey, Odysseus leaves Ithaca…


Comic covers and titles! VOTE!!!

OK wonderful people of the internet, I have too many options right now so you have to help me decide stuff. There’s an anonymous form below, please use it to help me and I’ll try my best to finish the comic in the next week!!! VOTE GOGOGO!! I don’t want to spoil anyone’s fun, but…


Lithium Lives on!

  Comic 10 was not the last in the series! HOW many TIMES do I have to tell people?!!? I’ve had this since like comic #2; people panicking saying YOU CAN’T LEAVE IT THERE!!!! Listen, sometimes when we say ‘The End’, it means the end of this chapter / this comic, okay? Ongoing series means…


Staring into beauty

HELLO the internet. Well, gosh it’s been a few weeks eh and no doubt many things have happened in your life since we last spoke. How do you feel about that? Hmm, I hear ya, I hear ya. Existence eh? Classic stuff. Personally I have been suffering from what the doctor calls a ‘disease’, which…
