Oh deary me

Oh dear oh dear I’m not finding much time to blog about this next comic, because it’s just proved toooo much fun spending the time making it.

Sorry about that. Sorry ish. It’s also hard releasing images without giving some of the plot away (and I know how much everyone’s here for the PLOT), so here’s a few cropped pics which don’t give too much away. In fact, if anything, they confuse things hugely.You’re welcome.

This next comic is going to be a long one, and as it turns out, rendering out these scenes I’m actually not racing through it, but taking the pacing pretty slow (you know, rather than skip through dialogue, having whole pages of just close-up touches, the occasional “Hoahh …” … that sort of thing. I slow things down when I … basically when I like what I see … when people’s hearts’d be racing, that sort of thing).

Which means, knowing me, that this’ll be getting near the 150-200 page mark once it’s done. Oh dear oh dear. Downside of all this is it’s going to take time. I do have a job and a social life, and I have to hold my license as a ‘functioning’ human, which means the comic squeeezes in around stuff. So don’t hold your breath; it’ll be at least a … month I guess? Should be at least that; complex posing and stuff in this one.

Anyway, good times 🙂

(These two images don’t go together, they’re just for fun.)

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