Working on #7

I’ve finished the first scene for comic 7, giggled most of the way through it, and didn’t need to re-render a single thing, which is always a good sign. Or maybe it means my eyesight and/or sense of quality control is fading … heck, either way, I’m happy.

Anyway, here’s some dev renders for getting Charlie into a school shirt. She appeared in Spacey Rapey Sex Trek (or whatever the hell I called that comic) … Charlie appeared briefly walking over the bridge, but she was in a crap school shirt so I’ve had to re-work her into a decent one with working buttons etc. Courtesy of some fans of the comic, this shirt – thanks dudes.

Working buttons are important. Once I’ve got this thing fitting Charlie, I’ll wang it on Jack and flatten the chest, bulk up the shoulders a bit.

Hmmm … maybe a *bit* too transparent for actual school usage. Yes, dial it down a bit, Sindy …

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