Crashy & mad

So I’ve written Madiy & Crash to the finish – turns out there’s only two more comics to this mini series, and although it takes a pretty serious turn for the worse (don’t worry, that’s not a spoiler, it’s almost certainly not what you think … or if it is, it’ll be ages before we get there and you’ll have forgotten this random blog post by then), it turns out the Madiy & Crash madness actually forms an origin story for someone we haven’t even met yet!

Amazing! I had no idea until I wrote it all and realised what was going on, hehehh. Honestly, if I even finish my various contributions to the STFW universe, it’ll be absolutely unbelievable, the tie-ins and easter eggs dotted about the place.

In fact I’m even wondering about developing that main characters’ story first, turning that into a reality before I even finish Madiy and Crash, that’d be pretty cool to come to it later cos everyone’d be like “OH SNAP, it’s them?!?!”.

I like it when that happens, completely unintentional writing of our crazy little dreams …



… and then it turns out there was a theme after all, and everything joins up and makes sense as one vast, constantly-written story, into which we have the dubious privilege of forming some small part. Or some large part, depending how you’re reading this.

Oh, yep … quick heads-up, this blog post contains images of a sexual nature. So watch out! Bleowp!

So just thinking about Easter Eggs and stuff, quick question; what do you think was the biggest Easter Egg in the recent Skybloom comic? If you think it might be a bit of a spoiler and don’t want to comment it in here, you can use the anonymous feedback form, and we’ll see how close people got, see if anyone noticed the real humdinger 🙂

Happy Friday, everyone, toot toot!

12 thoughts on “Crashy & mad

  1. I came across this gem yesterday whilst having a little Bill Watterson comic Zen fest. “For all their seeming simplicity, the expressive possibilities of comics rival those of any other art form.” How true. The comic universe is the biggest and most magical, and multi dimensioned, of them all, and you are right there cruising around the top. Who knew that it was possible to get ridiculously turned on whilst exploring life the universe and everything? I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve read your comics, laughed and cried and fapped, and there’s always something more. They are, like Bill Watterson’s, deliciously and cosmically life changing. He also said something else that resonates with your approach, it seems to me, “Calvin and Hobbes was designed to be a comic strip and that’s all I want it to be. It’s the one place where everything works the way I intend it to.” He kept the money bastards out. That must have galled them something rotten. Yippee!

    1. Yippee! Hehehh, funny you should mention the great Calvin&Hobbes, I just saved a pic from one to use as a quote in a comic! Didn’t realise the dude shared my “It’s not about the money you dickheads keep yer marketing mitts off” – vibe hehe

  2. As a fellow creative, I *sooo* do love those little moments of discovery which follow some—typically—tiny bit of detailing that emerges from the dense mist of the chaotic aether of fictitious creation. The ‘Ahh-ha!’ or ‘Oooo…’ or ‘Oh…!’ or ‘No fucking way…’ (or many others) which can punctuate the reveal—unless one happens to have been rendered stunned by it, of course. The chill that will run the main railway of the spine then bullet to all destinations at the end of the nerves-line at once within that brief flash of perfect sight can be simply euphoric.

    As the quasi-Gods of our own universes, how can we not live for those little slices of sheer joy.

    Can’t wait to see what you found, Miss Jones. 🙂

    Cheers from Canada.

    1. Ahhh, thanks Sylvir, yes that’s exactly what it’s like!! Euphoric self-discovery is a wonder, especially when you have a bit of a history of self-loathing – the art becomes the trauma-curing medicine 🙂

      1. (okay maybe ‘curing’ is a big word … let’s say exploring / changing / developing / processing)

        1. Yes: cure may be a bit too far in most instances. But, healing *is* healing … regardless of speed or lack there-of. Off the top of my head—simply because they popped in my mind while reading your reply—, some other words that fit at the end of trauma- would be: reflecting: considering: meditating: assessing.

          And you’re right. Euphoric self-discovery is a wonder—perhaps one of the truest under the sun.

          Thank you for responding. : )

  3. SAJ, hope you don’t mind a random question. What comics influenced you? What comics still influence you? Cheers, PPB

    1. Hello! Oahhh I don’t know … let me think …. there was a very sexy one with a character called Solace or something I can’t now remember nor find it, but that certainly affected my neural pathways; it was drawn by that same artist who did Gen 13 I think – certainly that big-boobed marvel style. Also there’s Epoch’s Dark Rift, or heck Space Trek Fleet Wars!

  4. Forgive me for asking, your starting line “So I’ve written Madiy & Crash to the finish” raised my eyebrows.
    The cover says, “By Elizabeth Truss”, does that mean you are her?

  5. So, I’m rather surprised no one noticed this before. In your post from 2 months ago you said that you’ve “written Madiy & Crash to the finish” but surprisingly did not provide any indicator on when it will be published. Did that mean the story has been written and you’re still working on rendering the actual comic pages or you’ve completed everything but will release the last two chapters over the next couple of months?

    I’m sure you can understand that we are all very very very (did I mention “very” 🙂 ) eagerly awaiting the next — and ending — chapters of this great comic!! Thank you for all your hard work!!

    1. Yeah it’s written to the end but I haven’t started making the 3D scenes yet – that needs to wait for the time to be right, if I just schedule it in and force it out, the 3D will be lifeless – plenty of other lifeless 3D comics out there and its cos people don’t do it at the right time / with the right care (in my opinion). Downside of my process is it can be months before I have an idea what’s coming out, because it’s unrushed / natural.

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