Working on a comic …

  Wouldn’t you believe it, I’m working on a comic! I’m not going to reveal which one it is though, just because. Anyway, you want to hear the bad news? I wrote the entire comic script, and then … I lost the text file. That’s right, it was sitting there for well over a year…


Exciting debriefs are the best! Yewwww

Phew. What a lot of feedback everyone’s given on the recent comic! Well done, everybody. Comments ranged from “Worst part ever in all comics” to “The best one yet!” – so that’s … quite the range, hahaha! (^ Marks out of 10) Looks like the vast majority of people enjoyed it really – and it…


A lovely June day …

It’s sunny, wonderful things are happening all around the world, and … whisper it … there is another free Lithium comic on its way! Yay! Here in sunny Europe, we haven’t even heard anything about the American President for months, which if I’m totally honest, is a massive, massive relief! Phew. Let’s hope those amazing…


Rendering’s done! Toot tooooottt!

OK sure I get my sound effects from little boats and such, but the thing is the rendering for Lithium #9 is all done! YEOOOWWW! TOOOOOOT! PAAAAARPPPPP!!! I’m putting little speech bubbles on and fitting the last bunch of pages together, but the scenes and renders are all done. Ish. Almost. OK fine I just…


Comic previews …

OK we’re nearing the final few scenes of Lithium 9: speech bubbles are even done up to page like 130 or something, so we’re getting through it! Yay! To celebrate, here are two comic page previews which don’t give anything away. I’ll do them as links so if you really don’t want any spoilers whatsoever,…


Cheeky dang kids!

I’ve just looked at the stats for this blog, and judging by the technology (an old Blackberry or a WiiU or an XBox browser …), this tech implies that there are some very cheeky children about the place! If you’re under 18 and are visiting this blog on a Nintendo 3DS or whatever, late at…


Cover preview! Woop woop!

 OK so having done 138 pages now, I only just worked out what the cover should be, and rendered it out … So here’s a little preview because when the final comic lands, nobody’s going to notice these details as they ravenously consume the comiccy goodness within, so let’s have a calm look, shall we?…


Random comic update!

  Aieeeee! OK:  Comic pages complete: 118Renders complete to: page 140 ish3D scenes still to create: like … four ish?  Not muuuuuch!!! All the sex scenes are done, it’s just chatting and front cover page now yeayyyyy!! Here’s a non-spoiler image, of some … boobs … and someone about to … pick up a gun?…


The great golden helmet of joy

OK! Big fan of conundra, me. Ya paradoxes, ya dichotomies, ya dilemmas; big fan, big fan. In the upcoming comic, I’ll be honest it’s a big of a grey area in terms of how it pans out – we could go in a number of directions at this stage and I’m trying to walk that…


Wahoo, waboo.

I try and be a human, and I do have these amazing sparks of joy and connection … but then it seems everything kinda catches up with me and it all stops and I feel a bit like a paper-thin marionette. Know what I mean? Hey I’ve got it all sussed! I’m amazing wahoo! Oh…


Incredibly Hot Playmates

  I just got an email recommending I whatever with ‘incredibly hot playmates’, and I just thought YES, now that would make a good comic title! And then I thought about it a bit and I changed my mind. No, it wouldn’t. Aaaanyway, how’s tricks, internet? Next comic is coming along nicely. I’m now in…


The how to find my comics, Plan B blog post

  Occurred to me that I only have this one blog (I’ve closed my deviantart etc to simplify stuff), and Google is probably the worst host I could’ve chosen for that. Ah well, let’s discuss a plan B shall we?  Google occasionally randomly closes accounts, responds over-zealously to reports or just plain ditches blogs as…


Lithium comic 9 … under development!

Whaaaat? I’ve already done the first 25 pages of the next comic?!?! Goodness me, what a busy little bugger I am! This next comic is not only going to have the utterly greatest title of all time, it’s also going to include … well let’s be honest there may be some nudity. But do you…


Oooh, ok, this might not be going so bad … hold on …

OK so just to give the more obsessive-y-struggling people some space – don’t hold you breath, and don’t keep refreshing this blog, but … whisper it … we’re getting there. Comic update Renders: donePages: done (201! Crazy)Bubbles: complete to page 135.Juicy, spunky detail: 80% complete. That’s right. Should be maybe this weekend. Ish. Don’t check…


Argh whyyyy

WHY must real life rear its ugly/beautiful head so bloody often eh EH??? It seems if we try to care and love, then we are choosing a difficult, narrow path indeed! The more I understand the path, the harder it seems to get, what the hell is going on?!?! At this rate I think I…


The Punisher

Although I wrote the Lithium plot a few years back, the very end has been a little flexible and has gone through a few changes. (This isn’t it, don’t worry – we’ve got a few more comics to go yet.) The path Karen’s on needs some careful weaving. I think authors too often write the…


Ooooohhhh … not long … hrnnngg …

Someone said they wondered what our voyeur neighbours made of all this, and I wasn’t going to bother adding them in (it’s already total mayhem plot), but heck I just couldn’t resist. So there’s a mini cameo in there now. I know, I know, I’m too kind.  Comic update:  Renders: 99.9% complete (literally just need…


Fast slow fast slow slowfast

  OK ok ok hold on hold on I was racing through the comic but my workplace decided it was a good time to shoot cannonballs at me and sure I can dance around like the furry guy in Kung Fu Panda 3, but it does rather put a crimp on one’s ‘extra-curricular’ productivity, it…


Oooooh it’s sunnnyyyyy!!!

It’s SUNNY? Madness, madness, it can’t be, don’t tell me the world keeps revolving and the seasons and the dawns and the new growth never gives up?!?! Splendid. Quick update on Lithium 8: it’s humming along nicely. In fact there’s only one and a half scenes left! In a comic of a zillion scenes that…


A little love story

You may know that I read all the feedback on my comics, and I take it seriously. Sure, some of it’s nonsense purely as a symptom of the sheer number of people leaving feedback – if you ask a thousand people for advice, at least thirty of them will talk total BS (I’m normally one…


Rendering!!!!! Hooooly smokes

I so want to share tons of renders here but it’d all be spoilers, so it’s … hard. And wet. Oh heck, this next comic is going to be pretty good.   You never know, you know? You have this idea in your head, and this script in your hands (and by hands I mean laptop),…



This is mostly a bunch of renders with our young couple to test new lighting and skin. And a massive rambling discussion on the topic of hate and love as well, sure, sure. I had a really interesting few chats with some very difficult humans recently, and the wonderful thing I discovered, is that love…



Ok things have gone a bit cray cray at work and I haven’t had a chance to catch breath, but it looks like people are here and commenting, thank you – I’ll try and respond to comments as always. Comic development has had a break for a week as my brain has been dedicated to…


The hardest part of 3D comiccing …

 … is the break-the-4th-wall face. Sounds (and looks) stupid, I know, I know. I’ve done 3D comics for a little while now, and though I haven’t really got the hang of caustics (it’s a light paths thing; you’ll see caustics slightly improve even within Lithium 8 …), it’s fair to say I have mostly figured…


So … I’m working on a comic …

… it’s called *checks notes* … The Hydrogen Comic, or something like that. Molybdenum? Manganese? It’s some element … got a few electrons orbiting with each other, and then a third electron in another orbit. Huh. It’s almost as if … anway. I’m working on Calcium Comic 8, and wouldn’t ya know, I’ve just spaffed…


Good times a comin’

  Relief. Relief. So weird, didn’t expect that. I guess when someone you love has lived with an abuser for so long, you learn to live with the tension, the self-control of wanting the best for your friend but always knowing there’s this ongoing rumble of abuse. So when the abuser is gone (even temporarily),…


Free from fear.

Last summer, one or two guys messaged me with warnings galore about how I shouldn’t dare make any kind of political comment in my upcoming comic because all my fans would desert me and nobody would read my comics anymore, and I’d lose literally half of my readership. I mean clearly I ignored the warnings…


The slow brain.

  Maybe it’s the Skylar part of me (I hope it is), but I do have this tendency to slow my thoughts and actions to a snail’s pace when it comes to certain levels of change. Einstein reckoned ability to change was a sign of intelligence, which doesn’t bode well for me recently because change…


Falling down. Looking up.

In the last comic, lots of people were hit in the feels by Mike’s journey. I must’ve had a hundred comments from people saying the same exact thing: this was something ‘other’, way beyond anything that went before. That’s cool, and a huge compliment to my efforts with these comics, thank you. One guy said…


Beep beep beep.

Hello! OK so there’s good news and bad news, bad news is I think my rendering machine might be properly bust ~ yes of course everything’s backed up, but the motherboard is literally fried, even though the ram and CPUs are happy; joints and stuff are to blame, and I really don’t want to go…


It’s beginning to look a lot like Chrrrrrr ….

It’s always amusing reading the comments submitted on my comics, it’s been especially entertaining seeing how people change as they get older – 80% of the comments from people in the 18-25 category are half-formed, self-prioritising claptrap straight out of Justin Biebers how-to archipelago of consumer misery. Whining and ego leading the charge of the…


The quiet project

Now and then it’s good to clear the ol’ noggin and work on something completely different. I had planned to plough through Lithium 8 and get it out before Christmas (have completed the first few scenes), but looking at timings and stuff I think that’d just be a bit stressful. So I think I’ll do…


Autocrats, roll out!

OK that title was a Transformers reference for the nerds. I mean, I’m one of them, sure, sure. It seems many people in a certain beloved country are learning the word ‘Autocrat’ for the first time, and seeing what’s been going on behind a certain administration in a new light perhaps. And that’s fine. Sure,…


A threat of joy.

I was recently threatened by a ‘fan’, saying I shouldn’t something something something … I don’t know, I wasn’t paying attention. I believe I’m capable of making (occasionally ok) decisions, I mean what is this, 1984?! Haha, good times, good times. Enjoy your attempt at intimidation, you are less scary than you think (btw that’s…


Hope for all humans.

It’s weird being a European and seeing this stuff, really. Four years ago a Spanish friend of mine was like “They’ve just voted for their Franco, this is going to be interesting”, and maybe every country needs to do this at some point. We (England) seem to be doing it at the moment as well,…


Cover fiasco

Ahh, pants. Sometimes comic covers are easy, you just do a render and it’s like YES! THAT’S THE ONE! Then sometimes I just can’t for the life of me figure out what they should be. Or I do a crazy collage like for Telepathic Hentai Tentacle – that cover made sense because it had to…


Ooooh we’re getting close …

My oh my we’re nearly …   Yes, yes I hear you. I want it too, believe me. It’s been a tough old summer, hasn’t it? Time for some Autumn goodness to cool the blood and settle the nerves. I want to especially send some of the good loving to my American friends – you…



let’s freaking celebrate! I’ve completed the pics for the next comic; and this isn’t just any 50-page weakling, it’s up there with Lithium #7 – it’s like 220+ pages of pure, raw, Sindy. As previously blogged, this upcoming comic is the first time I’ve not tried to explain everything; it’s more dense, more metaphorical, more…


Fifty naughty boys

Anyone who’s done any 3D will have learnt the lesson that as soon as you add objects your scene rendering time jumps up – add five chairs and things slow down, add three people and you triple the processing maths; human characters are particularly complex. So you’ll probably appreciate this test render. Fifty actual people…


It goes on.

OK comic update: I now have only one [big] scene to create, then it’s bubbles time!!! There are over 200 pages … in fact the last scene is a bit of a spread-out affair, so we could be looking at 240 pages by the time we’re done. Another epic. Woopsy. And its taken an age,…


Much redeye, very grief

Hello you lovely humans! Lots of people say they like the humanity in my comics, which means they get the whole human -turmoily thing, the whole awkward, touching, weirdy comicsy thing. Which is kinda why I write them. So I know people’ll get when I say that this summer has been a bit of a…


How to 3D without dying [part 1]

People keep submitting comments to my various feedback forms, asking for 3D advice and tips. Thanks dudes, I think I’ve peppered advice throughout this blog tbh, but I’ll dump a few things here because it’s fun and exciting!!! Software I use: Poser Pro, with the Victoria 4 character (a very old 3D character by Daz),…


Listen, I’ve learnt my lesson …

… I will never drink again. OK I might but I am getting better at avoiding the bingey stuff – you know the borderline self-harm kinda drinking that seems funny on the outside but isn’t on the inside hahaha good times. I just drink sensible amounts these days. Aaaanyway, ahem … my recovery has coincided…



Tschhhhhh. Flippin nora, you know it’s stressy stressy work stress when you don’t even have time to add crazy mutterings on your freaking sexy comics blog! Too much on, but despite this, the comic work has been continuing nicely. We’re into the final three scenes, with some gentle darkness learning to become light. Here’s a…


Nab0kov’s final phase

In Vladimir Nab0kov’s most famous controversial book, the main character goes through three distinct phases: the approach, the act, and the fallout.  This is often the storyteller’s thing, but I firmly believe there is a forth phase available to all humans: transcendence. We learn from our own story and we change. We change, we become…


Two hundred big boys

  This is the two-hundredth blog post! Woweeee!! I started the blog (with this ^ ridiculous image) in Feb last year, and started churning out comics soon after that. And what a whirlwind it’s been, eh? I have been asked about 200 times if people can give me money, and I have been told about…


The greatest debate of all time … VOTE!

Well I’ve just wasted a night rendering the next comic, because my render PC (Windows 10 Pro), decided to force updates. Logged on this morning and find its both borked itself, and little details like folder view and display settings have reset FOR LITERALLY NO REASON, and I had to get involved with its brain…


Tipping point

  You know when you do a piece of work, a difficult project or whatever, and you don’t know if it’s going to be a box-ticking exercise or a profound piece of wonderment straight out of the soul of the universe? And then there’s this tipping-point, where suddenly you know … this is going to…



Anyone who’s written anything knows at some point you have to make up new stuff. This is one of those times, and to be honest it’s quite good fun! We’re fitting a legacy/origins storyline into the Star Trek universe, which coincides with the STFW universe too, but at this stage (this stage being 2020, as…


Karen. Is. Lasagne.

This blog post is inspired by The Night Window, by Thomas Newman. Play it as you read! Why not eh. (Fun fact, lasagne is plural/general, lasagna is singular/specific, apparently. Aaaanyway …) Karen. Is. Lasagne. We all know this, right? Lasagne are made with onions (which make you cry) amongst the deep layers, then the layers…


The path ahead.

Hello. In the latest comic, I apparently spelt ‘noodle’ as ‘noddle’! Fuck! Aaaah well. We all make mistakes. Noddle, though. Noddle. Bugger! πŸ˜† Anyway. I’ve always uploaded my comics to e-hentai, this isn’t because I really like that site, it’s purely for me to get some idea of user stats. I mean, most of the…


Good and bad. Goodbad. Badgood.

Someone mentioned recently that they dig my references to ‘both-and’. Thanks; yeah I think we [society] miss that stuff so much – a quick look at Twitter will reveal that nuance and paradox are not exactly commonly understood. Then a friend messaged me this link on the who’s-bad, who’s-good thing:  It’s interesting, that. And…



Someone recently commented (fairly) on the latest Lithium comic; “It might have gotten a little too on-the-nose about the religious subtext. I understand that religion has been used to harm others and that’s horrible but faith can just as easily lead to peaceful, loving persons. I respect you trying to say something but it just…



Here’s a little video showing the complexity of the new spaceship I’ve been working on. Yes, it’s madness. This is a quick zoom through the wireframe, from the spherical dock / airlock chamber at the bottom of the ship, through living quarters (figures lying in stasis rn), up the ladder to the completely indecipherable cockpit,…


Hope and peace

I’m really glad I asked people what their main hope was for changes in the world post-pandemic, there is some lovely wisdom and messages in there. Thought I’d share the first 150 or so with you: What’s your main hope for the way the world will be changed, post-Pandemic? Ain’t got none πŸ™ I hope…


Beautiful rejects

Thought I’d drop the renders that didn’t make it into the latest comic, just for fun. I’ll caption them with what the issue was … >>>In my head this was a reference to the squeezy willy scene back when Charlie’s wearing that green swimming costume, but I realised nobody’d get that reference, and all it…


Surprised by turmoil

A few people mentioned that they were surprised by the SH scene – how it was weird going from all smiles in the bra shop to urgent home fiasco. Fair enough. There’s a few reasons why I did it like that, and maybe I was wrong to jump so viciously from one to the other,…


A PLETHORA of feedback!

If you haven’t read the latest comic. Read it. It’s out. Really glad everyone liked it; the average rating was 10/10, which is cool, so thank you. Someone mentioned it was nice to read through the feedback a few comics ago, so I thought I’d just paste the first 150 or so comments below. Pictured…


Today …

It’s today. Just checking through rn. Late this afternoon, once it’s final-edited and uploaded. It’s today though. 265 pages. Check back. Hrrrngck! Oh snap, this blog has had more pageviews in the last few hours than in its entire first month as a blog! Hi everyone …


Cover preview …

Well. Well then. Huh. It will be out this week. Probably not tomorrow or Thursday, but definitely by Friday! Wahooooo! Another thanks to the people who bought me 3D props a few weeks back – a few of them make it in near the end of this comic. Couple of haircuts, a jumpsuit and a…


An amuse-bouche …

There’s excitement in the air! Ooooh I almost thought I was going to be able to finish it this week, but having started ploughing, through the photoshopping, it’s not going to happen – shoouuuld be next week though. Probably. I’ll aim for next Friday. So start saving up your saliva … No … wait, don’t…


A very minor spoiler

I’m thinking this next comic is probably going to be called something like Bathtime, except having made most of the comic, it’s really not about that. So this is a very minor spoiler indeed. As always, I like my comics to be a little gritty / believable, so the ridiculously cheery topics covered in this…
