The light shines in the darkness

Big thanks to a few people who’ve bought lots from my wishlist recently! Very generous, thank you. Someone commented that I should charge therapy rates for my comics, haha that’s a fine idea! Glad they have some impact in what does seem a rather dark world, especially right now. Lots could be said about these…


Comics are awesomeeeee!

Just wanted to say thank you for all the feedback you’ve given on the latest comic, Grace. Comments ranged from “Very disappointed. Your other comics had excellent dialogue – this one had hardly any.“ (lol, btw), to “Brilliant! Telling such a difficult story without text is difficult at best. You are a master of your…


The marvelous bl0uuj0b animations!

Ahhh … gifs.  I spent ALL DAY yesterday working on a bunch of little animations. It might turn into a gif or a series of gifs, I presumably need to stop short of accidentally making a full-on feature film because I suspect that would take rather a lot of work, especially without motion capture or…



It will literally be out tomorrow. It’s all done, just waiting for the cover to finish rendering! WOOP WOOP! I’ll schedule it for Friday morning at 11am (GMT ~ although most of the time google thinks you’re in another timezone so it might be super early or extremely late … basically it will be sometime…



  OK sitrep: it turns out that having a break to let your brain untangle is absolutely flipping amazing! 10/10 would recommend, it is ok not to be ok, we all need to look after ourselves now and then. Rest is part of resilience after all! Yay! 🙂 So … the comic!! I’m just getting…



Dear Sir or Madam, why must our brains be like this? Why must existence be so painful at times, and so wonderful at others? Could we perhaps find a happy balance, a chummy harmony to dance the days through? I’m feeling a little of the black dog yapping at my heels rn, spending a little…


Good news, everyone!

  OK so basically, I’ve done like 155 pages of the next comic, and there’s probably only 20 more to go. I don’t know what I was thinking aiming for ‘before Christmas’, because this thing is an epic amount of work! There’s 12 sex scenes so far. TWELVE. Count them though … onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightninetenelevenTWELVE (insert Sesame…


Happy Christmas everyone!

I hope you have some good times, wherever you may be, and whatever you may be going through. Here is a picture of a nice squishy blue thingy. Life has its ups and downs, yes, but when we can find the harmony that exists between the highs and the lows, and the freedom from shame…


Tis the season to be … restful.

Hey everybody! In one of my particular spheres of work, this time of year is referred to as ‘the silly season’, and I’m kinda warming to the name because, let’s face it … things go a bit silly. Silly is nice sometimes, sure. But sometimes silly is also a bit tiring and a bit much,…


Comic update!

EDIT: ok it’s now the 9th and I’m not sure we’ll get this by Christmas … hmmmm … depends, depends … will def be out in January tho, so close, so close …. eeeeeee ….. OK, I’ve done 70 pages, speech bubbles and all (there aren’t too many of those …), but I reckon I’m…


GIVEAWAY! Makin’ comics!

Thought I’d make a comprehensive comicsy blog post, for those budding graphics enthusiasts! Comics don’t need to be sexy/erotic (you heard it here first), they can just be fun one-page stories! Yay! 3D stuff If you want to do it in 3D, here’s how I do it Giveaway: Templates are below  ↓ I mean sure,…


The quiet project. Again.

I’m often helped by writing and/or other creative pursuits. It’s funny how it seems pointless at the time (WHY AM I PAINTING PEBBLES) but looking back we begin to see the point (I’m so glad I painted those pebbles, it turned out it was about working through X trauma, and now I’ve thrown them into…


Hey shall we have a competition?

I was thinking, I could give away any / all of my 3D poser characters (along with a list of dependencies), and maybe some custom scenes and then run a 3D competition. Would be really fun to see what people did with my characters, hehehh. So who should I do? I’ve got this little alien…


Behind the scenes …

I thought it’d be funny to show some of my slapdash 3D behind-the-scenes work, show the other side of whatever scenes, from the camera’s point of view, so you can see how badly I cheat when creating these things … Perfectly reasonable for the comic, and then from the opposite angle … OW MY FACE…


Musky McMoneybags

Update: tune in this Sunday for some behind-the-scenes nonsense: It’s interesting looking at some of your feedback for ohb8; most applauding the dig I had at billionaire culture, but a few people saying I was wrong about Musk. I mean it’s an interesting one, isn’t it? I think the point is that billionaires simply shouldn’t…


Decent onesies

Ok, so slightly awkward confession here, I went down a bit of an internet rabbit hole this week and discovered the joys of … onesies? There’s Rule 34, sure, but I was slightly surprised to find some excellent potential for onesies out there.  However, as you may know, porn is rubbish! There’s no love, no…



Everybody relax. That whole Sabbath principle seems to have been lost on the world. Actually, it seems to have been lost on me, I’ll be honest. You know that thing where you start explaining something, and really it’s because you’ve only just realised it yourself and you’re like AH … YES … I SHOULD EXPLAIN…



So I’m going to be in central London most of next week, doing some silly project.  Meanwhile, I’ll also have my laptop with me, and I’ll also be doing a very very serious project. With boobies. I’m doing that thing where I … actually I’m not sure how to describe it. Maybe part of reality…


Hahahaha … haaa … aaaahh. Good times.

OK I’ve been busy. No wait, the other thing. I’ve been wasting time. Busy wasting time. I’ve started making random figurines to join in with the mayhem of the next Lithium Comic (haven’t actually started making that comic yet, but suffice to say … it’s going to be a crazy one. I might wait a…


The very busy person time.

Hello I am very busy. Why. I mean ideally I’d want to be creating CG characters, plots, you know, faffing about and enjoying the sunshine and fapping and eating cakey-based treats. But no. My work and human responsibilities stuff is just off the charts at the moment and I don’t have time to just be…


A new hope

So I’ve had a little break from Lithium, celebrated the completion of 0HB, and have been pondering and writing a little. Thoroughly recommend it tbh! Write your shit down, people – seriously it does wonders. Hahaha, aahhhh, Skylar.


Epiphanies R us – for superfans

Hello, it’s me again. Yay! In the penultimate Human Being comic, someone said they wished there was more detail about the specific transition of Mike, from his desolation to his security, his peace. It’s a good question, and prob one we all want the answer to, at one time or another (or constantly, sure). Hopefully…


Tie fighter

OK I’m writing a proper grown-up blog post that I’ll publish on Saturday, but in the meantime, here’s an old scene file I opened this morning and … added a tie to … Wow, that’s … jazzy, Charlie. What are we thinking there, eh? Who knows, who knows. The marvelous human mind, eh? Never ceases…


A big thank you

I mean listen, I do this thing where I create this random flippin comic. And sometimes it’s sexy and sometimes its funny or it’s just really, REALLY random. And sometimes it’s big meta ideas and sometimes it’s pure shitposting, sure, sure. But here’s the interesting thing; people get it. They appreciate it. And I just…


Quick favour …

[UPDATE: This is now done, some very kind people sent me the links, so ignore this blog post ENTIRELY]  [Especially that stupid gif] [I’ll leave the article here for posterity, and in case people need to know that I make mistakes all the time, and that’s ok cos our mistakes don’t define us 🙂 ]…


Rendering’s done!! HELLOoo next comic!

Ehrmagherd!! I accidentally an entire comic! A whole one! OK so I need to add speech bubbles onto like hundreds of pages, but apart from that minor details IT’S DONE, BABY!!!! Wahooooo!!!! Final in the series is here, and it’s a beaut, lemme tell you! There’s even … whisper it … sex scenes in this…


Some random update and a plan B

Hello! OK, plan B if my blog dies / Google decide they don’t like me any more (I don’t know why they would decide this, because let’s face it I’m lovely and my comics and blogs are all full of wholesome goodness, but you know, some people are prudes and don’t like boobies and willies…


God is left-handed

Think about it right, God gets to show off the magic in minority stuff like orangutans, seahorses, human knee joints, unusual little cosmic events, moon coronas, stuff like that. So of course he’s left handed, because that means creativity and zaniness [sarcasm]. So of course they’ll be left handed in my upcoming comic [not sarcasm]….


Comic update: it’s warm.

Comic’s chugging along (updates below), and the world is turning nicely. I don’t know if you’re in a part of the world that’s having a heatwave right now, but I am. It’s hot. Damn hot. As hot as a monkey’s anus. Climbing into bed is like tucking oneself into a just-cooked lasagna. Aaanyway, the next…


Jen! Jen! Jen! Jen!

Ahhh, this next comic’s going swimmingly, I thought I’d take a little break from ignoring my work duties, and also a break from procrastinating with animations and nonsense in Poser, to bring the spotlight onto our lovely Jen. I know the comic’s about her sister, but Jen is really cool too. I could just easily…


Wishlists! Yay!

Ok if you ever thought you’d like to buy me something, I figure now and then I’ll make a wishlist of a few 3D things, that way people can get involved 🙂 So here goes, one little wishlist: Renderosity: ^ This includes a bunch of stuff I still need for the upcoming comic, so…


The subtle things …

  I thought I’d open an old file for lols but I was too impatient to include the proper character customisations files and … well … So this is a lesson in what happens to 3D scenes when you don’t put any effort into making the people people. A few test renders that made me…


Working on a comic …

  Wouldn’t you believe it, I’m working on a comic! I’m not going to reveal which one it is though, just because. Anyway, you want to hear the bad news? I wrote the entire comic script, and then … I lost the text file. That’s right, it was sitting there for well over a year…


Exciting debriefs are the best! Yewwww

Phew. What a lot of feedback everyone’s given on the recent comic! Well done, everybody. Comments ranged from “Worst part ever in all comics” to “The best one yet!” – so that’s … quite the range, hahaha! (^ Marks out of 10) Looks like the vast majority of people enjoyed it really – and it…


A lovely June day …

It’s sunny, wonderful things are happening all around the world, and … whisper it … there is another free Lithium comic on its way! Yay! Here in sunny Europe, we haven’t even heard anything about the American President for months, which if I’m totally honest, is a massive, massive relief! Phew. Let’s hope those amazing…


Rendering’s done! Toot tooooottt!

OK sure I get my sound effects from little boats and such, but the thing is the rendering for Lithium #9 is all done! YEOOOWWW! TOOOOOOT! PAAAAARPPPPP!!! I’m putting little speech bubbles on and fitting the last bunch of pages together, but the scenes and renders are all done. Ish. Almost. OK fine I just…


Comic previews …

OK we’re nearing the final few scenes of Lithium 9: speech bubbles are even done up to page like 130 or something, so we’re getting through it! Yay! To celebrate, here are two comic page previews which don’t give anything away. I’ll do them as links so if you really don’t want any spoilers whatsoever,…


Cheeky dang kids!

I’ve just looked at the stats for this blog, and judging by the technology (an old Blackberry or a WiiU or an XBox browser …), this tech implies that there are some very cheeky children about the place! If you’re under 18 and are visiting this blog on a Nintendo 3DS or whatever, late at…


Cover preview! Woop woop!

 OK so having done 138 pages now, I only just worked out what the cover should be, and rendered it out … So here’s a little preview because when the final comic lands, nobody’s going to notice these details as they ravenously consume the comiccy goodness within, so let’s have a calm look, shall we?…


Random comic update!

  Aieeeee! OK:  Comic pages complete: 118Renders complete to: page 140 ish3D scenes still to create: like … four ish?  Not muuuuuch!!! All the sex scenes are done, it’s just chatting and front cover page now yeayyyyy!! Here’s a non-spoiler image, of some … boobs … and someone about to … pick up a gun?…


The great golden helmet of joy

OK! Big fan of conundra, me. Ya paradoxes, ya dichotomies, ya dilemmas; big fan, big fan. In the upcoming comic, I’ll be honest it’s a big of a grey area in terms of how it pans out – we could go in a number of directions at this stage and I’m trying to walk that…


Wahoo, waboo.

I try and be a human, and I do have these amazing sparks of joy and connection … but then it seems everything kinda catches up with me and it all stops and I feel a bit like a paper-thin marionette. Know what I mean? Hey I’ve got it all sussed! I’m amazing wahoo! Oh…


Incredibly Hot Playmates

  I just got an email recommending I whatever with ‘incredibly hot playmates’, and I just thought YES, now that would make a good comic title! And then I thought about it a bit and I changed my mind. No, it wouldn’t. Aaaanyway, how’s tricks, internet? Next comic is coming along nicely. I’m now in…


The how to find my comics, Plan B blog post

  Occurred to me that I only have this one blog (I’ve closed my deviantart etc to simplify stuff), and Google is probably the worst host I could’ve chosen for that. Ah well, let’s discuss a plan B shall we?  Google occasionally randomly closes accounts, responds over-zealously to reports or just plain ditches blogs as…


Lithium comic 9 … under development!

Whaaaat? I’ve already done the first 25 pages of the next comic?!?! Goodness me, what a busy little bugger I am! This next comic is not only going to have the utterly greatest title of all time, it’s also going to include … well let’s be honest there may be some nudity. But do you…


Oooh, ok, this might not be going so bad … hold on …

OK so just to give the more obsessive-y-struggling people some space – don’t hold you breath, and don’t keep refreshing this blog, but … whisper it … we’re getting there. Comic update Renders: donePages: done (201! Crazy)Bubbles: complete to page 135.Juicy, spunky detail: 80% complete. That’s right. Should be maybe this weekend. Ish. Don’t check…


Argh whyyyy

WHY must real life rear its ugly/beautiful head so bloody often eh EH??? It seems if we try to care and love, then we are choosing a difficult, narrow path indeed! The more I understand the path, the harder it seems to get, what the hell is going on?!?! At this rate I think I…


The Punisher

Although I wrote the Lithium plot a few years back, the very end has been a little flexible and has gone through a few changes. (This isn’t it, don’t worry – we’ve got a few more comics to go yet.) The path Karen’s on needs some careful weaving. I think authors too often write the…


Ooooohhhh … not long … hrnnngg …

Someone said they wondered what our voyeur neighbours made of all this, and I wasn’t going to bother adding them in (it’s already total mayhem plot), but heck I just couldn’t resist. So there’s a mini cameo in there now. I know, I know, I’m too kind.  Comic update:  Renders: 99.9% complete (literally just need…


Fast slow fast slow slowfast

  OK ok ok hold on hold on I was racing through the comic but my workplace decided it was a good time to shoot cannonballs at me and sure I can dance around like the furry guy in Kung Fu Panda 3, but it does rather put a crimp on one’s ‘extra-curricular’ productivity, it…


Oooooh it’s sunnnyyyyy!!!

It’s SUNNY? Madness, madness, it can’t be, don’t tell me the world keeps revolving and the seasons and the dawns and the new growth never gives up?!?! Splendid. Quick update on Lithium 8: it’s humming along nicely. In fact there’s only one and a half scenes left! In a comic of a zillion scenes that…


A little love story

You may know that I read all the feedback on my comics, and I take it seriously. Sure, some of it’s nonsense purely as a symptom of the sheer number of people leaving feedback – if you ask a thousand people for advice, at least thirty of them will talk total BS (I’m normally one…


Rendering!!!!! Hooooly smokes

I so want to share tons of renders here but it’d all be spoilers, so it’s … hard. And wet. Oh heck, this next comic is going to be pretty good.   You never know, you know? You have this idea in your head, and this script in your hands (and by hands I mean laptop),…



This is mostly a bunch of renders with our young couple to test new lighting and skin. And a massive rambling discussion on the topic of hate and love as well, sure, sure. I had a really interesting few chats with some very difficult humans recently, and the wonderful thing I discovered, is that love…



Ok things have gone a bit cray cray at work and I haven’t had a chance to catch breath, but it looks like people are here and commenting, thank you – I’ll try and respond to comments as always. Comic development has had a break for a week as my brain has been dedicated to…


The hardest part of 3D comiccing …

 … is the break-the-4th-wall face. Sounds (and looks) stupid, I know, I know. I’ve done 3D comics for a little while now, and though I haven’t really got the hang of caustics (it’s a light paths thing; you’ll see caustics slightly improve even within Lithium 8 …), it’s fair to say I have mostly figured…


So … I’m working on a comic …

… it’s called *checks notes* … The Hydrogen Comic, or something like that. Molybdenum? Manganese? It’s some element … got a few electrons orbiting with each other, and then a third electron in another orbit. Huh. It’s almost as if … anway. I’m working on Calcium Comic 8, and wouldn’t ya know, I’ve just spaffed…


Good times a comin’

  Relief. Relief. So weird, didn’t expect that. I guess when someone you love has lived with an abuser for so long, you learn to live with the tension, the self-control of wanting the best for your friend but always knowing there’s this ongoing rumble of abuse. So when the abuser is gone (even temporarily),…


Free from fear.

Last summer, one or two guys messaged me with warnings galore about how I shouldn’t dare make any kind of political comment in my upcoming comic because all my fans would desert me and nobody would read my comics anymore, and I’d lose literally half of my readership. I mean clearly I ignored the warnings…


The slow brain.

  Maybe it’s the Skylar part of me (I hope it is), but I do have this tendency to slow my thoughts and actions to a snail’s pace when it comes to certain levels of change. Einstein reckoned ability to change was a sign of intelligence, which doesn’t bode well for me recently because change…


Falling down. Looking up.

In the last comic, lots of people were hit in the feels by Mike’s journey. I must’ve had a hundred comments from people saying the same exact thing: this was something ‘other’, way beyond anything that went before. That’s cool, and a huge compliment to my efforts with these comics, thank you. One guy said…
