
Here’s a little video showing the complexity of the new spaceship I’ve been working on. Yes, it’s madness. This is a quick zoom through the wireframe, from the spherical dock / airlock chamber at the bottom of the ship, through living quarters (figures lying in stasis rn), up the ladder to the completely indecipherable cockpit,…



Just thought I’d pop in and say hello HELLO. In the picture above, Jack is helping Skylar with something. And yes, the door is breaking, click-click CRACK goes the poor door frame but don’t worry, for it uses futuristic safety glass and nothing can break that stuff, no not even young Jack’s thrusty efforts. New…


New Yeeears, new feeears

Howdy all! Well, one of the all-time great Christmasses, that was for me. And you know when you’ve weathered a few storms you can really appreciate when things work out. I mean sure, I cocked-up the Christmas pudding and sure our New Year plans got bollocksed all to heck and we had to come up…


Working on #7

I’ve finished the first scene for comic 7, giggled most of the way through it, and didn’t need to re-render a single thing, which is always a good sign. Or maybe it means my eyesight and/or sense of quality control is fading … heck, either way, I’m happy. Anyway, here’s some dev renders for getting…


Stretchy tops

Stretchy tops, I mean … they’re basically witchcraft. No matter what way your bread is buttered, male or female or trans or nonbinary, the thing is that little stretchy tops are here to stay. And they’re hot, so there’s that. So here’s a Rainbow Brite (basically choosing things from my own childhood) -themed little top…


The slow brain.

  Maybe it’s the Skylar part of me (I hope it is), but I do have this tendency to slow my thoughts and actions to a snail’s pace when it comes to certain levels of change. Einstein reckoned ability to change was a sign of intelligence, which doesn’t bode well for me recently because change…


Tis the season to be … restful.

Hey everybody! In one of my particular spheres of work, this time of year is referred to as ‘the silly season’, and I’m kinda warming to the name because, let’s face it … things go a bit silly. Silly is nice sometimes, sure. But sometimes silly is also a bit tiring and a bit much,…


Oh … I’ve nearly finished … woops

OK basically, I’ve nearly finished the rendering for Lithium #6. And I’ve done half the pages. So … it’s not going to be this week but it’s going to be soon! Yay! Without giving too much away, it’s freaking hot, this one. That’s the trouble with investing so much energy into developing characters and scenarios,…



Well, I was after a corvette – small, fast, mostly engine, space-capable craft that looked domestic rather than industrial or military, and I think we’ve hit the jackpot with this one … the seats spin and everything … Just do some quick character tests … FOR SCIENCE. Hello? Anybody ho… wait a minute … what’s…


Wishlists! Yay!

Ok if you ever thought you’d like to buy me something, I figure now and then I’ll make a wishlist of a few 3D things, that way people can get involved 🙂 So here goes, one little wishlist: Renderosity: ^ This includes a bunch of stuff I still need for the upcoming comic, so…


A very, very big heads-up. Hooohh.

Do you like erotic comics? Do you like pure joy?!?!! Well … as a little mid-summer treat, I have just been sent the pre-release draft of The Rather Magnificent Family Bubble part #4, which will apparently be out in a few days – and honestly, it’s brilliant. Tira has used my free orange dress V4…


Okay okay okay okay okay wait wait wait

It turns out I’m racing through this comic and we’ve done at least half now. Which is kinda awesome, because I’ve been thinking about / delaying this one for about a year or something ridiculous (when did Lithium #9 come out?! When did I write this dang series?!?!? Yonks ago, that’s when), so it’s really…


Hellooooo there …

Alrighty then, here’s a minor spoiler or two, but they don’t give anything real away, they’re just for funsees, and to be honest there are a million million little tiny gags like this in Lithium #10, it’s *completely* ridiculous. I’m at 90 pages complete, and have been test-reading it along with the music and I…


Exciting debriefs are the best! Yewwww

Phew. What a lot of feedback everyone’s given on the recent comic! Well done, everybody. Comments ranged from “Worst part ever in all comics” to “The best one yet!” – so that’s … quite the range, hahaha! (^ Marks out of 10) Looks like the vast majority of people enjoyed it really – and it…



  OK sitrep: it turns out that having a break to let your brain untangle is absolutely flipping amazing! 10/10 would recommend, it is ok not to be ok, we all need to look after ourselves now and then. Rest is part of resilience after all! Yay! 🙂 So … the comic!! I’m just getting…


Let’s do some folding

OK my work has calmed down a tiny bit, and I thought I’d show some working for the upcoming comic. Just to show some of my thinking. Basically, I took Charlie’s Rainbow Brite top from an earlier comic (which was, itself made out of a chopped up swimming costume mesh), and stuck a Princess Peach…


Minor spoilers …

Well, I have to admit I’m having a *lovely* time finishing up this comic! It’s … well, it’s … I was trying to think about a way of blogging about this, but then the list of Photoshop layers kinda summed it up nicely, so here’s a screengrab of some of them >>> Jinkies x Come…


Good and bad. Goodbad. Badgood.

Someone mentioned recently that they dig my references to ‘both-and’. Thanks; yeah I think we [society] miss that stuff so much – a quick look at Twitter will reveal that nuance and paradox are not exactly commonly understood. Then a friend messaged me this link on the who’s-bad, who’s-good thing:  It’s interesting, that. And…


A very, very big waste of time.

You know how sometimes you work on something and … at the time you think it’s IMPORTANT and SUBSTANTIAL and is therefore okay to ignore all other responsibilities because it is just so IMPORTANT, and that’s mostly down to you really really getting into it? I’ve basically just wasted *checks notes* … yes … yep,…


New comic released tomorrow!

Who likes free? Who likes comics? Who likes FREE COMICS wahoooo!!!! Well, that’s three wishes in one, but okay if you insist. I’m going to release a silly little tongue-in-cheek mini space adventure comic early morning tomorrow! Hooray! Okay, no it’s not the next Lithium, but it does have … you know. Boobies. I mean…


Je Suis Huw

Thought I’d pop in to update everyone on my meanderings, and discuss Lithium #12’s  rather Nostradamus-esque powers regarding a certain BBC newsreader. As the UK headlines the last few weeks will tell you, Huw was a news anchor for twenty entire squeaky-clean years … until some great big underage sex scandal got out. It may…


Falling down. Looking up.

In the last comic, lots of people were hit in the feels by Mike’s journey. I must’ve had a hundred comments from people saying the same exact thing: this was something ‘other’, way beyond anything that went before. That’s cool, and a huge compliment to my efforts with these comics, thank you. One guy said…


2020 is MY year! Not yours, MIIIIIIINE!!!

I keep seeing possessive new years resolutions stuff around the place. 2020 is going to be MY year. MINE. My precioussss … I mean sure it’s good to go into the future with a positive outlook, but I kinda think we need a culture that understands fresh starts isn’t just an annual event; it’s a…


Hunt Sindy!

Okay listen, London’s a big place and there’s lots of people here, but I thought it’d be funny to do a real life treasure hunt, so … basically right now I’m in Westminster, sitting in a pub beside a Christmas Tree (why they have a massive tree up already I don’t know), so you know….


A spacesuit for every occasion

Playing with character settings and a ton of textures and materials and scenes … Love this freebie spacesuit outfit. For most of these renders I’ve hidden the sleeves, so it’s more of an action suit than an airtight vacuum-of-space sorta deal. Such a cool retro look to it, though! Loving Superfly’s render engine, which can…


Delays and Inspiration

Ok so this is gonna be a little bittersweet. Two reasons for this post: (1) I’m not doing too well rn. (2) I want to know the source of the pics on this page if anyone knows, please? So on (1); sometimes life hits you in the brain like a train hitting a … I…


Tales of blood-chilling TERROR

Are you an I.T. engineer? Or a tech/computer wizard of some sort? Or, heck, even have a very basic grasp of the existence of computer hardware? Well, settle down; everybody gather round and prepare for a tale that will chill you to your very soul. My render PC has been a bit iffy recently, not…


Happy Christmas everyone!

I hope you have some good times, wherever you may be, and whatever you may be going through. Here is a picture of a nice squishy blue thingy. Life has its ups and downs, yes, but when we can find the harmony that exists between the highs and the lows, and the freedom from shame…



It’s weird rendering in 3D sometimes because lighting has to be setup by the render engine to cope with whatever it’s fudging about the real world. So like in this scene I want it to be really dark, just moonlit highlights, but the renderer’s like “NOPE.” and perfectly exposes what I’d intended to be under-exposed….


Dress for success

Trouble with scifi is any materials are possible, so it’s difficult to have ‘spacey’, shiny materials and remember to keep it believable. I figure the subtle approach is always best, as there’ll always be people, throughout time, who don’t want to actually wear tinfoil and clingfilm, and prefer to slouch around in jeans and comfortable…


Laughing at your own work …

(Have a non-spoiler render… ) OK I’ve finished all the rendering & layout for Lithium #4, and going over it to find typos / improve images, I keep lolling at the jokes. Like I very nearly just gobbed a mouthful of coffee on the keyboard just now! Is this normal? Does anyone else write stuff…


Behind the scenes …

I thought it’d be funny to show some of my slapdash 3D behind-the-scenes work, show the other side of whatever scenes, from the camera’s point of view, so you can see how badly I cheat when creating these things … Perfectly reasonable for the comic, and then from the opposite angle … OW MY FACE…


Final checks …

It’s funny, I always get tons of visits to my blog ramping up towards a new Lithium comic (understandably), then after the mad flurry of the comic release it generally then dies down for a few months. Not many people check my blog after a Lithium has gone out, assuming there won’t be anything else…



Someone recently commented (fairly) on the latest Lithium comic; “It might have gotten a little too on-the-nose about the religious subtext. I understand that religion has been used to harm others and that’s horrible but faith can just as easily lead to peaceful, loving persons. I respect you trying to say something but it just…


Ooooh we’re getting close …

My oh my we’re nearly …   Yes, yes I hear you. I want it too, believe me. It’s been a tough old summer, hasn’t it? Time for some Autumn goodness to cool the blood and settle the nerves. I want to especially send some of the good loving to my American friends – you…


Das ist sehr gut!

I’ve just noticed that some wonderful human being, from the great wide web of information-connected human beings, has started translating my comics into German!! Awesome! I was just looking at e-hentai to see if someone had kindly shared Skybloom yet and lo! A great bunch of other stuff on there. Gave me a little warm…


Haha breast physics hahaha

Okay! So I still haven’t sorted all the comic/downloads links on that page of the website, but I did add all the ‘social’ buttons to the top left of the website – and as youtube was an option I added my random youtube channel and hahahahahaaa I’d totally forgotten I’d done some booby physics ‘tutorial’…


The subtle things …

  I thought I’d open an old file for lols but I was too impatient to include the proper character customisations files and … well … So this is a lesson in what happens to 3D scenes when you don’t put any effort into making the people people. A few test renders that made me…



Anyone who’s written anything knows at some point you have to make up new stuff. This is one of those times, and to be honest it’s quite good fun! We’re fitting a legacy/origins storyline into the Star Trek universe, which coincides with the STFW universe too, but at this stage (this stage being 2020, as…



Tschhhhhh. Flippin nora, you know it’s stressy stressy work stress when you don’t even have time to add crazy mutterings on your freaking sexy comics blog! Too much on, but despite this, the comic work has been continuing nicely. We’re into the final three scenes, with some gentle darkness learning to become light. Here’s a…


Oh deary me

Oh dear oh dear I’m not finding much time to blog about this next comic, because it’s just proved toooo much fun spending the time making it. Sorry about that. Sorry ish. It’s also hard releasing images without giving some of the plot away (and I know how much everyone’s here for the PLOT), so…


Oh deary me … again …

Okay I’ve completed over 160 pages-worth of renders; this is going to be a truly epic comic! I mean sure it’s a total shit-storm, but that doesn’t really communicate the extent to which this is a work of total madness, does it, huh? Well, let’s put it this way: the last comic (Lithium #9; 175…


Comic cover image?

This for the cover image of Lithium #3? There’s always this moment when I have to complete a comic and decide what goes on the cover. To be honest it’s tricky because I’m a bit of a perfectionist (it seems … I’m just realising this now … in my thirties), so I have this stupid…


It’s aliiiive!!!

Good news everyone, my render machine is alive! Kinda. Anyway I seem to be able to get it to do stuff. Mostly. And I’ve taken this opportunity to limit the CPU usage to like 95% because it does seem to die when it’s trying really hard. Chill out, I say. Have a break now and…


Life in the backyard …

Just wanted to say thank you! Thanks everyone for your comments in the recent vote thingy, some wonderful thoughtful responses in there from a wonderful readership! Well done all. So believe it or not, I am actually going to go with the flow and focus on the comic that pretty much everyone went for in…


I mean …

… continuing from my previous post, did I realise I’d based Charlie on Jamie Lee Curtis? I did not. Is the evidence extremely compelling? Judge for yourself …  Literally didn’t mean to copy that scene, I promise. It just occurred to me there might be similarities, and …  just … like … take those first…


A forgotten crush

^ Ignore the wig I watched the 80s film Trading Places recently, and whilst wading through the horrific (mostly intentional, but still…) racism, sexism, bad one-liners, and … I wait is that … oh myyyy … Jamie Lee Curtis. I hear what you’re saying, and what I hear is … Jamie Lee Curtis. My first…



Ok things have gone a bit cray cray at work and I haven’t had a chance to catch breath, but it looks like people are here and commenting, thank you – I’ll try and respond to comments as always. Comic development has had a break for a week as my brain has been dedicated to…


The wisdom of a captured soldier. Удивительная мудрость пленного русского солдата

Hello! Pheweee, boobies eh?!?! Aaaanyway, this incredible video of a Russian soldier has been released. Here is the source. As this blog is still currently available in Russia, and as my blog has a substantial following from within Russia (esp Moscow), here is a simple message of solidarity with the people of Russia, of peace….


Help me tweak the next script!

OK I’ve done 100 pages on the next comic, with speech bubbles and everything, largely because I’d already done 200 renders over the summer and they were sitting there in a folder. So that’s good! Also good: I’d forgotten about them, and they’re flipping hot. Lithium comic #5 is going to be a trouser-breaker. A…


Free from fear.

Last summer, one or two guys messaged me with warnings galore about how I shouldn’t dare make any kind of political comment in my upcoming comic because all my fans would desert me and nobody would read my comics anymore, and I’d lose literally half of my readership. I mean clearly I ignored the warnings…


Spot the differeHNNKGKKK!!!

Hey! You wanna play a game? Yeah? Good choice. Well, the game is, you have to wait for me to complete the next comic. Sorry, I know I know it sounds like a crap game, but honestly just existing and ‘being’ is good, it’s good, I promise. And while we wait, good things happen sometimes….


Slight …

^ Some quick patch-test renders … that’s … that’ll work fine …             … change of plan. About a year ago I wrote all of Lithium and most of the OHB series. So I’m just slowly working through them, churning the content out. Jolly good fun if you ask me….


Beautiful rejects

Thought I’d drop the renders that didn’t make it into the latest comic, just for fun. I’ll caption them with what the issue was … >>>In my head this was a reference to the squeezy willy scene back when Charlie’s wearing that green swimming costume, but I realised nobody’d get that reference, and all it…


A PLETHORA of feedback!

If you haven’t read the latest comic. Read it. It’s out. Really glad everyone liked it; the average rating was 10/10, which is cool, so thank you. Someone mentioned it was nice to read through the feedback a few comics ago, so I thought I’d just paste the first 150 or so comments below. Pictured…



You know how I like to do Easter Eggs, ok? Both chocolate and nerd-reference variety. Well … this is the Scarab of Destiny. Bear with me … Basically, rather than add a single Henchman/Trooper to a 3D scene at a time, I created this Poser file whereby a whole Fireteam is slaved to a single…
