Fast slow fast slow slowfast

  OK ok ok hold on hold on I was racing through the comic but my workplace decided it was a good time to shoot cannonballs at me and sure I can dance around like the furry guy in Kung Fu Panda 3, but it does rather put a crimp on one’s ‘extra-curricular’ productivity, it…


OK I’ve done the cover …

Having caught myself slightly off-guard by deciding to release the next Lithium comic at the 120-page mark rather than plough on and include the next few scenes (which will take a month or two), I had to then decide on the cover. Part of me wanted to just have Skylar in the freeze tube thing,…



Tschhhhhh. Flippin nora, you know it’s stressy stressy work stress when you don’t even have time to add crazy mutterings on your freaking sexy comics blog! Too much on, but despite this, the comic work has been continuing nicely. We’re into the final three scenes, with some gentle darkness learning to become light. Here’s a…


Omg seriously?! Ginyaaar!!

You know I did that boob mistake thing and had to re-patch all the edited boobies back onto Charlie? I literally just finished photoshopping them all back onto the poor girl, and then realised one of the major props in the scene had been hidden in all those renders. Which changes the lighting completely. So…


It’s happening.

^ Barely even counts as a spoiler, but yeah there’s some new people. OK … I have completed all of the rendering for Lithium #10*. The comic will not be quite out this week I don’t think, because I still need to do all the bubbles and put like 20 pages together. But I think…


Beauty sees beauty.

One of my favourite writers, Richard Rohr, made some interesting observations about Homers Odyssey, and you see a little of my discussion of the same themes in OHB comics 7 & 8, as well as Lithium, and … well, all my comics let’s face it. Rohr points out that in the Odyssey, Odysseus leaves Ithaca…


Musky McMoneybags

Update: tune in this Sunday for some behind-the-scenes nonsense: It’s interesting looking at some of your feedback for ohb8; most applauding the dig I had at billionaire culture, but a few people saying I was wrong about Musk. I mean it’s an interesting one, isn’t it? I think the point is that billionaires simply shouldn’t…


Oooh, ok, this might not be going so bad … hold on …

OK so just to give the more obsessive-y-struggling people some space – don’t hold you breath, and don’t keep refreshing this blog, but … whisper it … we’re getting there. Comic update Renders: donePages: done (201! Crazy)Bubbles: complete to page 135.Juicy, spunky detail: 80% complete. That’s right. Should be maybe this weekend. Ish. Don’t check…


Hellooooo there …

Alrighty then, here’s a minor spoiler or two, but they don’t give anything real away, they’re just for funsees, and to be honest there are a million million little tiny gags like this in Lithium #10, it’s *completely* ridiculous. I’m at 90 pages complete, and have been test-reading it along with the music and I…


A new home.

Okay, huge news which is inconvenient but I do agree with their decision – Google are phasing out easily accessible adult sites. So I’m going to have to find a new home for this blog. Bummer.  Temporary home: Deviantart. So Google have turned on a savage age verification system which means you have to (1)…


The very busy person time.

Hello I am very busy. Why. I mean ideally I’d want to be creating CG characters, plots, you know, faffing about and enjoying the sunshine and fapping and eating cakey-based treats. But no. My work and human responsibilities stuff is just off the charts at the moment and I don’t have time to just be…


Important walk cycle test…

During the comic-creation process, it’s really important to animate characters in looping movement poses to get a real feel for … for … … ok nothing. It’s not important to animate them, cos comics are static. It’s a totally pointless exercise, I admit. These animations, then, are just for fun. Lots of free walk cycles…



Anyone who’s written anything knows at some point you have to make up new stuff. This is one of those times, and to be honest it’s quite good fun! We’re fitting a legacy/origins storyline into the Star Trek universe, which coincides with the STFW universe too, but at this stage (this stage being 2020, as…



Here’s a little video showing the complexity of the new spaceship I’ve been working on. Yes, it’s madness. This is a quick zoom through the wireframe, from the spherical dock / airlock chamber at the bottom of the ship, through living quarters (figures lying in stasis rn), up the ladder to the completely indecipherable cockpit,…


Nibble nibble

I do still exist, I promise. Sorry about the radio silence. OK, quick sitrep: I’ve got roughly 99.9% of comic #10 to produce in any way. I mean, sure I’ve done a few trooper poses, but really we’re looking at roughly … not much. Apart from making lots of silly gif animations, as you can…



Here’s a picture of some naked people with guns.  I’m sitting in a trendy cafe working on the comic AS WE SPEAK. Now, I know it’s a trendy cafe because I’m surrounded by bubbly, noisy people wearing lots of crochet and pastels and I know I’m aaaalmost trendy because I’m wearing something very flowery indeed…


The slow brain.

  Maybe it’s the Skylar part of me (I hope it is), but I do have this tendency to slow my thoughts and actions to a snail’s pace when it comes to certain levels of change. Einstein reckoned ability to change was a sign of intelligence, which doesn’t bode well for me recently because change…


The light shines in the darkness

Big thanks to a few people who’ve bought lots from my wishlist recently! Very generous, thank you. Someone commented that I should charge therapy rates for my comics, haha that’s a fine idea! Glad they have some impact in what does seem a rather dark world, especially right now. Lots could be said about these…


The subtle things …

  I thought I’d open an old file for lols but I was too impatient to include the proper character customisations files and … well … So this is a lesson in what happens to 3D scenes when you don’t put any effort into making the people people. A few test renders that made me…


Suffer! Lolololol

I was talking to someone yesterday, who said their meditation method focused on reducing their own suffering. Now … bear with me … on the face of it, this makes sense, I mean who wants to suffer? Except … still bear with me … I completely disagree with that philosophy. If we prioritise the removal…



As you may know, I wrote 95% of the Lithium series in one sitting a few years back, and I’ve been working through producing the actual comics every few months. Well, today I took some time out from my not-very-busy work (hey it’s Easter, everyone’s porking chocolate), and FINISHED writing Lithium! 100%. Wahoo! Well. Honestly,…


Un Co-operative

OK this is a silly post, but … I just went into the Co-op round the corner (it’s a supermarket in England), and my total came to £6.69. And … seeing as I am a FUNCTIONING adult, I literally said that total, out loud, then looked the Co-op checkout guy in the eye and said…


A very minor spoiler

I’m thinking this next comic is probably going to be called something like Bathtime, except having made most of the comic, it’s really not about that. So this is a very minor spoiler indeed. As always, I like my comics to be a little gritty / believable, so the ridiculously cheery topics covered in this…


Pointless armour.

 Someone commented on the latest comic: … that soldier on page 22 should demand a refund, his armor let a pistol bullet kill him instead of protecting him as it is supposed to do. He is probably too dead to do that, but he most likely is also too stupid to know he is dead. …


The Lithium Comic. 03: Jack/Off

OK, don’t have a heart attack or anything, but here’s Lithium comic #3!!! Wahoo!! I think I’m getting a bit better at arty CG stuff, so that’s nice. Anyway, this comic includes a certain amount of dick-squeezing, an extraordinary range of nudity, a goodly deal of different bodily fluids, and some extremely awkward moments! Hooray!…


The wisdom of a captured soldier. Удивительная мудрость пленного русского солдата

Hello! Pheweee, boobies eh?!?! Aaaanyway, this incredible video of a Russian soldier has been released. Here is the source. As this blog is still currently available in Russia, and as my blog has a substantial following from within Russia (esp Moscow), here is a simple message of solidarity with the people of Russia, of peace….


Gifs! Gifs! Gifs! Love me some gifs

Here’s the first few silly gifs! Hoooray! Charlotte and her bestest pal Jack, enjoying a sunny morning in the bathroom.  I regret nothing. Share them wherever you like, I’ll prob delete them sometime, knowing me. Note: the only rule with these gifs, is that if you pronounce it a soft J sound, ‘jifs’, then you…



I’ve had a chance to use my reasonably mighty cerebellum (we all have one) on the Great Poser Problem™️ and have realised I can just work around the software issue by hiding people’s hair, creating scenes frame-by-frame, and then un-hiding all the hair and ploughing through the rendering timeline that way. So … it’s not…



Holy crapballs, I just found someone’s translated all my comics into French! Zut alors! Wowee, that’s so cool someone’s gone to all that effort, heheh awesome! So here’s some of my favourite bits, en Francais: … amazing, the French for GYEUGG is GYEUGG! Who’d have thought, huh?! Hahaha. Ahh, Baba Yaga. Damn I need to…


A spacesuit for every occasion

Playing with character settings and a ton of textures and materials and scenes … Love this freebie spacesuit outfit. For most of these renders I’ve hidden the sleeves, so it’s more of an action suit than an airtight vacuum-of-space sorta deal. Such a cool retro look to it, though! Loving Superfly’s render engine, which can…


Laughing at your own work …

(Have a non-spoiler render… ) OK I’ve finished all the rendering & layout for Lithium #4, and going over it to find typos / improve images, I keep lolling at the jokes. Like I very nearly just gobbed a mouthful of coffee on the keyboard just now! Is this normal? Does anyone else write stuff…


Operation ‘Airhead’ completed

After a little tweaking and clothing effort, the lovely Skylar character is good to go 🙂 I’m not really going for ‘airhead’, which is too pejorative, I’m sort of aiming for someone who can legit represent innocence. You know? Like, they’re always in any group of people, sometimes they’re wolves in sheeps clothing, but the…


Ask the internet! Update: done!

Okay, after everyone’s genius at correctly identifying Pet Elf for me a few months back, I thought I’d ask the internet another slightly awkward what-is-this-comic question!  EDIT: Someone sent it to me so no worries. It was far more dodgy than I remember haha! Ahem. Woopsy. Anyway, as always asking the internet worked a treat,…


Great news, everyone!

Okay fine, Lithium #12 won’t be the last comic in that series. FINE! I’ve been thinking about it, and reading my notes for wrapping it all up, and I think if I kept it within a single comic it’d be near 300 pages to do it justice, which is just silly and would take like…


Swimming is awesome

I know what you’re gonna say … I’m spending too much time playing with the Charlie character. Well, maybe. But sorting her clothing is much harder than with Jack, because there are loads of ‘guy’ freebies out there that are normal. Jeans: done. Tshirt: done. Easy. But the female clothing freebies are stupid bloody peephole…


Dark hierarchy scenery go go go

I’ve put together some more scenes to start to show the extent of the baddie’s lair up on the moon-moon, and honestly it took no time at all! Mostly the problem with this stuff is lighting – it makes such a massive difference to the feel of a place. It’s all about Chiaroscuro. The ‘tank…


Aaaaaand … boobs.

(OK fine I couldn’t decide what to title this blog post). Anyway the comic: 120 pages done! Woop! I have to be honest; I’ve slowed down a tiny bit, having ploughed through all of the action sequences last month, there’s some actually much more complex scenes I’ve had to do more carefully this last week. …


The very long scene …

Okay, there’s still just one scene left, but it turns out it’s quite a long one so is taking a little longer than expected. Good news though … it is entirely possible that Lithium #11 will be out this Friday! I’d say it’s 50/50 possible this Friday. Unless more things kick off in the real…


Listen, I’ve learnt my lesson …

… I will never drink again. OK I might but I am getting better at avoiding the bingey stuff – you know the borderline self-harm kinda drinking that seems funny on the outside but isn’t on the inside hahaha good times. I just drink sensible amounts these days. Aaaanyway, ahem … my recovery has coincided…


A new hope

So I’ve had a little break from Lithium, celebrated the completion of 0HB, and have been pondering and writing a little. Thoroughly recommend it tbh! Write your shit down, people – seriously it does wonders. Hahaha, aahhhh, Skylar.


Good news, everyone!

  OK so basically, I’ve done like 155 pages of the next comic, and there’s probably only 20 more to go. I don’t know what I was thinking aiming for ‘before Christmas’, because this thing is an epic amount of work! There’s 12 sex scenes so far. TWELVE. Count them though … onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightninetenelevenTWELVE (insert Sesame…


Rather Magnificent comic is OUT!

**Runs in, panting** **Slams comic on the desk** THAT FCKEN COMIC’S HHHEEEERRRRRRREEEEEE!! As per Tira’s announcement, the Rather Magnificent Family bubble comic #6 is out! Woop woop! Well my goodness, they actually … okay no spoilers, but heck just check out the comic. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD CHECK OUT THE COMIC AAAAHHHHHH Tira’s download…


Kickin butt and gettin nakey

OK! I’m feeling a little better about this whole ultra-mega-ridiculous comic thing rn, which is always good! I’ve done a few scene setups and a little edit of the text and it sort of comes together more neatly now.  I don’t think this is going to be the final Lithium comic; I say that because…


How to 3D without dying [part 1]

People keep submitting comments to my various feedback forms, asking for 3D advice and tips. Thanks dudes, I think I’ve peppered advice throughout this blog tbh, but I’ll dump a few things here because it’s fun and exciting!!! Software I use: Poser Pro, with the Victoria 4 character (a very old 3D character by Daz),…


Fans are cool

OK, the thing is, you dudes are awesome. There’s this phenomenon called ‘fan service’, where the artist works fan-pleasing gratuitousness into their art, but let’s face it my comics are like 90% ‘Sindy service’ and that has a similar effect so I’ve never really felt the need to worry about fan service. But the thing…


Cover fiasco

Ahh, pants. Sometimes comic covers are easy, you just do a render and it’s like YES! THAT’S THE ONE! Then sometimes I just can’t for the life of me figure out what they should be. Or I do a crazy collage like for Telepathic Hentai Tentacle – that cover made sense because it had to…
