Oh deary me

Oh dear oh dear I’m not finding much time to blog about this next comic, because it’s just proved toooo much fun spending the time making it. Sorry about that. Sorry ish. It’s also hard releasing images without giving some of the plot away (and I know how much everyone’s here for the PLOT), so…


Working on #7

I’ve finished the first scene for comic 7, giggled most of the way through it, and didn’t need to re-render a single thing, which is always a good sign. Or maybe it means my eyesight and/or sense of quality control is fading … heck, either way, I’m happy. Anyway, here’s some dev renders for getting…


Don’t fear the Reaper

Interesting that I’ve had a good few bits of feedback from people saying the moment with the henchmen in the latest comic was the most touching / got them in a deep place. I know what you mean, having the lowest-of-the-low henchmen mercenary type people be wonderful to each other is a bit special/unusual. I…


Minor spoilers …

Well, I have to admit I’m having a *lovely* time finishing up this comic! It’s … well, it’s … I was trying to think about a way of blogging about this, but then the list of Photoshop layers kinda summed it up nicely, so here’s a screengrab of some of them >>> Jinkies x Come…


Oh … I’ve nearly finished … woops

OK basically, I’ve nearly finished the rendering for Lithium #6. And I’ve done half the pages. So … it’s not going to be this week but it’s going to be soon! Yay! Without giving too much away, it’s freaking hot, this one. That’s the trouble with investing so much energy into developing characters and scenarios,…


Nasty women.

Sex! Whooo! Yeah! Ahem. Sorry, I was thinking about something else. In a slight P.S. to my previous blog post – it’s interesting that someone commented a while back saying that if I [Sindy] was a woman, then I’m a ‘damn nasty one’. Now … this is interesting because I realise that in certain parts…


How’s your Pauline?

OK I’ve actually made pretty good headway on the next Lithium comic. Rather than dipping into the blog and writing some nonsense every few days, I’ve instead taken the hours/days I can scrounge here and there to move the rendering schedule forward, and I can honestly say … I think this next comic’s my fave…
