Sindy Anna Jones

Lies, damn lies, and Google Analytics.

Thought I’d log into the ol’ Google-mo-tron and find out [vague information] about my blog visitors. It’s been interesting producing a series of comics which is increasingly equality-focussed in its values – I wondered if that correlated with the type of visitor I got. Turns out it does! I started off with what is probably…


Oh deary me

Oh dear oh dear I’m not finding much time to blog about this next comic, because it’s just proved toooo much fun spending the time making it. Sorry about that. Sorry ish. It’s also hard releasing images without giving some of the plot away (and I know how much everyone’s here for the PLOT), so…


Working on #7

I’ve finished the first scene for comic 7, giggled most of the way through it, and didn’t need to re-render a single thing, which is always a good sign. Or maybe it means my eyesight and/or sense of quality control is fading … heck, either way, I’m happy. Anyway, here’s some dev renders for getting…


Don’t fear the Reaper

Interesting that I’ve had a good few bits of feedback from people saying the moment with the henchmen in the latest comic was the most touching / got them in a deep place. I know what you mean, having the lowest-of-the-low henchmen mercenary type people be wonderful to each other is a bit special/unusual. I…


Minor spoilers …

Well, I have to admit I’m having a *lovely* time finishing up this comic! It’s … well, it’s … I was trying to think about a way of blogging about this, but then the list of Photoshop layers kinda summed it up nicely, so here’s a screengrab of some of them >>> Jinkies x Come…


Oh … I’ve nearly finished … woops

OK basically, I’ve nearly finished the rendering for Lithium #6. And I’ve done half the pages. So … it’s not going to be this week but it’s going to be soon! Yay! Without giving too much away, it’s freaking hot, this one. That’s the trouble with investing so much energy into developing characters and scenarios,…


Nasty women.

Sex! Whooo! Yeah! Ahem. Sorry, I was thinking about something else. In a slight P.S. to my previous blog post – it’s interesting that someone commented a while back saying that if I [Sindy] was a woman, then I’m a ‘damn nasty one’. Now … this is interesting because I realise that in certain parts…


How’s your Pauline?

OK I’ve actually made pretty good headway on the next Lithium comic. Rather than dipping into the blog and writing some nonsense every few days, I’ve instead taken the hours/days I can scrounge here and there to move the rendering schedule forward, and I can honestly say … I think this next comic’s my fave…



I haven’t forgotten about the comics, don’t worry, I’m just … hectic. Last year I got into a regular blogging thing of writing like 3 or 4 blogs in one sitting and then scheduling them so it seems like I’m blogging every 3-4 days – it’s kinda cheaty but at least it means people who…


Future things

OK I’ve made a decent start on Lithium #6, but it’s a long comic so don’t hold your breath; things are hectic at the beginning of a new year & this may take a while. I did notice on a forum somewhere (I googled my name, as you do), that lots of people think Lithium…


Stat things

Can’t believe I published eleven comics in 2019. That’s quite a lot. I think as I get deeper into the comic series plotlines, the comics will probably get a little longer, so I’m unlikely to release eleven in 2020. At least I hope I don’t. Considering this is a random hobby I crowbar into my…


2020 is MY year! Not yours, MIIIIIIINE!!!

I keep seeing possessive new years resolutions stuff around the place. 2020 is going to be MY year. MINE. My precioussss … I mean sure it’s good to go into the future with a positive outlook, but I kinda think we need a culture that understands fresh starts isn’t just an annual event; it’s a…


The Lithium Comic. 05: In Tents

Comic five is here! Wahoooo! In our last comic, we learnt the dark family secret that mean aunt Karen had been hiding. Tsss, that woman. Our young heroes managed to survive the news, but now need to figure out the next tentative steps in this already controversial relationship. Fingers crossed it goes well, eh? Download…


Lithium comic #5 out tomorrow!

It’s done. Something for England to be proud of in this otherwise dark time. I’m doing final checks for story flow and need to do a bunch of tiny render tweaks, but apart from that it’s done 🙂 I’ll upload tomorrow evening (UK time). Have fun sleeping. PS. Get some fluids … … … ……


OK I’ve done the cover …

Having caught myself slightly off-guard by deciding to release the next Lithium comic at the 120-page mark rather than plough on and include the next few scenes (which will take a month or two), I had to then decide on the cover. Part of me wanted to just have Skylar in the freeze tube thing,…


Indiana Jones …

OK it’s doing my head in that I don’t have any Indiana Jones references in my comics yet, and my stupid damn alias is Sindy Anna Jones. This is obviously unacceptable and I need closure. So … HELP ME! What’s your favourite Indiana Jones quote / moment / reference that I should crowbar into the…


Minor bookish spoilers …

I know what you’re thinking: what could be a sexier detail than a tiny pink bow added to a pair of knickers? Well, I’ll tell you: a book. A freaking trashy book. Pictured on the right is the default ‘book’ in Poser; a featureless block of nonsense. So there aren’t any good default book props….


Detail from the real world

I’m sort of learning that good stories are rooted in the real world, that there’s something rich and salty about truth. I’ve been developing Jack and Charlie with details from my actual ‘first time’ sort of stuff. Except with me it’s ‘third time’, because my first time was with a guy who was really fragmented…


Omg seriously?! Ginyaaar!!

You know I did that boob mistake thing and had to re-patch all the edited boobies back onto Charlie? I literally just finished photoshopping them all back onto the poor girl, and then realised one of the major props in the scene had been hidden in all those renders. Which changes the lighting completely. So…


A bit of a boob

Being the genius that I am, I just messed up like 20 renders by not noticing that one of Charlie’s boobs had a custom morph applied when it shouldn’t have – it looked like it was being squidged by an invisible ghost. Anyway, so here’s the patch. Thought it was funny. Basically, tons of singular…


Help me tweak the next script!

OK I’ve done 100 pages on the next comic, with speech bubbles and everything, largely because I’d already done 200 renders over the summer and they were sitting there in a folder. So that’s good! Also good: I’d forgotten about them, and they’re flipping hot. Lithium comic #5 is going to be a trouser-breaker. A…


Trolls are people too

I’ve had a lot of feedback over the years. I think it’s an important thing to engage with; if we don’t listen to feedback, what we’re saying is we have all the answers in life; we’re saying “Screw other people’s stinky opinions, my ego’s more happy in isolation”. But feedback can help us grow (I…


Trouble downloading? Get the comic here!

You know when you log into your email and you have a hundred emails from people asking for permission to access a *public* document, that the system isn’t working. Google Drive is a nightmare for some people, they accidentally delete shared folder contents (apparently), and can’t find the download link for PDFs (apparently). And if…


Big boobs, small bra problems

OK minor detail but it’s a fun one so I figure it’s the kind of thing Charlie and Jack will have a chat about. Charlie’s lovely pink bra (and it is a lovely 3D model, you have to admit; whoever made it did a great job, which you can see from the close-ups in comic…



Well, I was after a corvette – small, fast, mostly engine, space-capable craft that looked domestic rather than industrial or military, and I think we’ve hit the jackpot with this one … the seats spin and everything … Just do some quick character tests … FOR SCIENCE. Hello? Anybody ho… wait a minute … what’s…


Un Co-operative

OK this is a silly post, but … I just went into the Co-op round the corner (it’s a supermarket in England), and my total came to £6.69. And … seeing as I am a FUNCTIONING adult, I literally said that total, out loud, then looked the Co-op checkout guy in the eye and said…


The very generous person.

Once upon a time, there was a Very Generous Person. They had an absolutely *enormous* penis, presumably, and one can only imagine a rapier-wit, devastating jawline, and thick, lustrous hair to boot. They got in touch with me and offered all sorts of 3D things.And then … they bought me all sorts of 3D things!…



A few weeks back I asked what a good ‘bad woman’ name is, and had a ton of messages from lots of different people saying ‘Karen’!! Haha, what is it with you people?! Anyway, I have to admit, I knew a girl at primary school called Karen, and for one reason or another I hated…


I mean …

… continuing from my previous post, did I realise I’d based Charlie on Jamie Lee Curtis? I did not. Is the evidence extremely compelling? Judge for yourself …  Literally didn’t mean to copy that scene, I promise. It just occurred to me there might be similarities, and …  just … like … take those first…


A forgotten crush

^ Ignore the wig I watched the 80s film Trading Places recently, and whilst wading through the horrific (mostly intentional, but still…) racism, sexism, bad one-liners, and … I wait is that … oh myyyy … Jamie Lee Curtis. I hear what you’re saying, and what I hear is … Jamie Lee Curtis. My first…


The Truth

I’ve been writing about the truth recently, looking at its role in a world of chaos. So I thought I’d share some of my own truth in the upcoming comic. Not lots, I just mean be a bit more vulnerable I guess. As I’ve alluded to in other posts (eg the Perfection Trap), we (I)…


Fans are cool

OK, the thing is, you dudes are awesome. There’s this phenomenon called ‘fan service’, where the artist works fan-pleasing gratuitousness into their art, but let’s face it my comics are like 90% ‘Sindy service’ and that has a similar effect so I’ve never really felt the need to worry about fan service. But the thing…


A plethora of body shapes

Well after 8 months of putting my little comics on the interwebs, I can safely say the comics have had in the region of tens of millions of views. That’s quite a lot! Well done, everybody, have a biccie. And with popularity comes interesting information from people all round the world ~ I had an…


The perfection trap

It’s been funny reading your feedback to the last comic, the vast majority is very happy people saying lovely things, but with about 10% I honestly don’t know if people are joking sometimes, if they really don’t get why it is what it is, or they just don’t understand what humans are like, so I…


It’s aliiiive!!!

Good news everyone, my render machine is alive! Kinda. Anyway I seem to be able to get it to do stuff. Mostly. And I’ve taken this opportunity to limit the CPU usage to like 95% because it does seem to die when it’s trying really hard. Chill out, I say. Have a break now and…


Slight delay …

So I have this lovely friend, without whom I wouldn’t have been able to do these comics. They … basically … and don’t judge us on this … they pinched a render machine from their work for me. I know, it sounds bad, but the thing is it was an old mainframe piece of kit,…



I rendered an image but this woman’s eyes weren’t pointing quite at Skylar’s boobies, so I had to re-render the eyes. Anyway I thought it’d be funny to turn it into an animated gif. No reason. By the way, what does everyone think about giving her a name? Trouble is I can’t refer to her…


Misery and joy

Just occasionally you do a piece of work and you can step back and go “yes”. Tap-tap Know what I mean? Even your harsh inner critic has to shut the f#ck up and nod gently. For that brief moment, your periods of self hatred or lack of confidence or imposter syndrome or inferiority complex or…


Furries! Furries everywhere!!!

In my bid to take over the world by touching on every kink known to mankind, I thought I’d have a little Furry action in one of the upcoming OHB comics. I mean, knowing me, I might not. But there’s a 92% chance I’ll stick with the idea, having built this character. To be honest,…


Extreme fitness forum..?

Someone sent me a lovely comment recently saying, among other things, “… been following your comics since the old ‘Extreme Fitness Forum’…”. ~ now, though it does sound like the kind of thing I’d call a blog … I don’t actually remember calling anything an ‘extreme fitness forum’, so it must have been a long…


Slight …

^ Some quick patch-test renders … that’s … that’ll work fine …             … change of plan. About a year ago I wrote all of Lithium and most of the OHB series. So I’m just slowly working through them, churning the content out. Jolly good fun if you ask me….


Why are my comics free?

I (very) often get asked this. Why are they free, what’s your patreon, how can I send you money etc etc. The reason I give them away for free is because life is about substantially more than accruing as much money as possible. I live comfortably enough and I am content with who I am…


Laughing at your own work …

(Have a non-spoiler render… ) OK I’ve finished all the rendering & layout for Lithium #4, and going over it to find typos / improve images, I keep lolling at the jokes. Like I very nearly just gobbed a mouthful of coffee on the keyboard just now! Is this normal? Does anyone else write stuff…


Hanging out

I’ve done a few comics now, and I’ve found it’s easier / quicker / a better outcome, when I go through the scripts and edit really harshly. I always have to think to myself “Is this sexy, funny or making a serious point?” and if it’s not – it HAS to go, otherwise I’m wasting…



The Perks of Being a Wallflower was on UK tv recently, so I watched it. Holy shitballs, what a great film! Initially, I thought this is going to be crap American Teen cliche bullshit but NO! I was wrong! Hooray! This blog post includes spoilers of the film, just fyi. One very moving theme they…


And the winner is … camisole!

OK. Lots of votes for all of the outfits for Charlie; lots of people like the cheerleader outfit and the cami and the ski suit and the jumper but let’s face it … the cheerleader thing is stupid (but it’s not like this is a sensible comic so…), and the cami is the most believable….


Self HAM

OK this post has nothing to do with ham, I just didn’t want to write the word ‘harm’. This isn’t a big rant or a dark self harm story, though don’t worry. Basically, right, I went to some festivals recently … I know. If you’re an introvert, you’ll know what a big/horrific deal this is!…


Growing up

OK, this is an animated gif (in case you didn’t watch it for long enough …). I’m not doing one of those ridiculous “Oh my god my tits just tripled in size!” things like you get in some comics, HOWEVER … changing shape as you get older  is part of life whatever your age/gender: we…


The morning after … outfit vote!

Having got 80% of the way through comic #4, it turns out it’s been a heavy night for Charlie and Jack, so we need a quick vote for outfits. I know … onerous task, but Charlie’s character does change outfits every 5 seconds, and this is an annoying symptom (having to decide what’s next), but…


You! Speak!

Pictured: hung over. Well, the new comic’s had just under a million hits, and it sounds like people like it, which is great. Extremely great (Nicolas Cage in The Rock reference … oh God I’ve got to stop putting Nicolas Cage references in everything I HAVE A DISEASE HALP). I’ve added the comments to the…


Pointless armour.

 Someone commented on the latest comic: … that soldier on page 22 should demand a refund, his armor let a pistol bullet kill him instead of protecting him as it is supposed to do. He is probably too dead to do that, but he most likely is also too stupid to know he is dead. …


The Lithium Comic. 03: Jack/Off

OK, don’t have a heart attack or anything, but here’s Lithium comic #3!!! Wahoo!! I think I’m getting a bit better at arty CG stuff, so that’s nice. Anyway, this comic includes a certain amount of dick-squeezing, an extraordinary range of nudity, a goodly deal of different bodily fluids, and some extremely awkward moments! Hooray!…


Fapping heck!

A sneak peak at the imminent comic. There’s a running theme of Charlie gettingherself off every time anything happens. Well. You know. Art imitating life … Well what an extraordinary response to the previous post; I’ve had 140 comments in the previous day or two. Obviously anonymous forms are the way to go! Feeling very…


Comic covers and titles! VOTE!!!

OK wonderful people of the internet, I have too many options right now so you have to help me decide stuff. There’s an anonymous form below, please use it to help me and I’ll try my best to finish the comic in the next week!!! VOTE GOGOGO!! I don’t want to spoil anyone’s fun, but…


Comic cover image?

This for the cover image of Lithium #3? There’s always this moment when I have to complete a comic and decide what goes on the cover. To be honest it’s tricky because I’m a bit of a perfectionist (it seems … I’m just realising this now … in my thirties), so I have this stupid…


Wrong order, does not compute.

As you may know, if you know me in person, I tend not to … do things in order. Sorry about that. I have basically been working on Lithium #4, and have decided to chop Lithium #3 in half, because it was getting to 110+ pages and becoming ungainly. This is kinda good news for…


Very … tired … must … … … fap

Oh lordy I’ve done that stupid thing of becoming extremely stressed at work and then not realising it and then everything falls apart and I’m left in the middle going THIS IS FINE without quite spotting that my skin temperature has reached a million degrees and my nose has melted onto my lap. No, no,…


Brutalist architecture gogogo

OK it’s all going to kick off a little in Lithium comic #3. We discover a little more about Charlie’s Mum’s dark galaxy-domination secrets, and so we need somewhere for the baddies to chat. To that end, I’ve used 3d architectural and prop freebies to create the HQ that was hinted at in comic #2….


I am Spartacus!

As we all learnt in blockbuster 1960s film Spartacus, slaves can be freaking awesome. The lowest of the low, oppressed by The Man, can in fact turn out to be absolute badasses. Of course they can: they are people. And people all have profound value. And that’s good news for us all, because we all…


How to make friends and love people.

One of the main things while developing characters is to make sure they operate in different environments. OK it’s not, but I guess part of the creative process is plopping people in different scenarios and seeing how they might perform. I’ve been doing the same with Jack, now it’s Skylar’s turn to get wet… Whilst…
