Tales of blood-chilling TERROR

Are you an I.T. engineer? Or a tech/computer wizard of some sort? Or, heck, even have a very basic grasp of the existence of computer hardware? Well, settle down; everybody gather round and prepare for a tale that will chill you to your very soul. My render PC has been a bit iffy recently, not…


Render tests

I’m ploughing along merrily, and testing lighting briefly as I zap another batch of 3D wonderment into my computer’s poor render queue, and the little machine winces noticeably at me. Don’t worry lil’ fella, it’ll all be over soon. Couple a’ weeks. Have to admit, I enjoy this phase of the comic creation process; you’ve…


Stat things

Can’t believe I published eleven comics in 2019. That’s quite a lot. I think as I get deeper into the comic series plotlines, the comics will probably get a little longer, so I’m unlikely to release eleven in 2020. At least I hope I don’t. Considering this is a random hobby I crowbar into my…


The little break

Look, sorry but I’m having a little break from making comics, it seems. So if you wanna have a little break and check the blog again in a month or two, that would make sense. Looking at my many and various creative endeavors over the last few decades (PS. I am extremely old … I’m…


Ooooohhhh … not long … hrnnngg …

Someone said they wondered what our voyeur neighbours made of all this, and I wasn’t going to bother adding them in (it’s already total mayhem plot), but heck I just couldn’t resist. So there’s a mini cameo in there now. I know, I know, I’m too kind.  Comic update:  Renders: 99.9% complete (literally just need…


Wrong order, does not compute.

As you may know, if you know me in person, I tend not to … do things in order. Sorry about that. I have basically been working on Lithium #4, and have decided to chop Lithium #3 in half, because it was getting to 110+ pages and becoming ungainly. This is kinda good news for…


Almost nothing whatsoever

Just thought I’d pop in to say almost nothing whatsoever! Hooray! Here are a bunch of renders picked completely at random from this ridiculous blog! Hooray!   Okay, maybe not picked completely at random. I’m wondering if we made the toxic masculinity points clearly enough with that guy above, whether we need to revisit him?…


New character extravaganza!!!

OK I’m having great fun making tons of new people. It’s always nice prepping scenes, though I have to admit I’d been a bit slow with some of the scenes because my ideas kinda outstrip my technical skills! Anyway, characters are easy to make, so here’s a few … You can’t repel boobies of this…


The big-boobs little-boobs dilemma

I know it’s an annoying topic, nobody likes to discuss boobs, but it’s a detail that needs to be sorted out. Plus this spacesuit is getting better as I sort the materials. So here’s a bunch of renders … Anyway, question is, do we go for buxom or … you know … believable human? To…


Decent onesies

Ok, so slightly awkward confession here, I went down a bit of an internet rabbit hole this week and discovered the joys of … onesies? There’s Rule 34, sure, but I was slightly surprised to find some excellent potential for onesies out there.  However, as you may know, porn is rubbish! There’s no love, no…


It’s beginning to look a lot like Chrrrrrr ….

It’s always amusing reading the comments submitted on my comics, it’s been especially entertaining seeing how people change as they get older – 80% of the comments from people in the 18-25 category are half-formed, self-prioritising claptrap straight out of Justin Biebers how-to archipelago of consumer misery. Whining and ego leading the charge of the…


Some Rather Magnificent news

HOT OFF THE PRESS! Okay I’ve received one almighty heads-up that our dear friend-in-common and fave author, Tira Yugen has finally had enough and ditched the mighty Gogggle in favour of Tumblr … (also Goggle but hey I won’t mention it if you don’t). So … go there for updates I guess > https://www.tumblr.com/tirayugen *Drums…


Tipping point

  You know when you do a piece of work, a difficult project or whatever, and you don’t know if it’s going to be a box-ticking exercise or a profound piece of wonderment straight out of the soul of the universe? And then there’s this tipping-point, where suddenly you know … this is going to…


2020 is MY year! Not yours, MIIIIIIINE!!!

I keep seeing possessive new years resolutions stuff around the place. 2020 is going to be MY year. MINE. My precioussss … I mean sure it’s good to go into the future with a positive outlook, but I kinda think we need a culture that understands fresh starts isn’t just an annual event; it’s a…


Oh … I’ve nearly finished … woops

OK basically, I’ve nearly finished the rendering for Lithium #6. And I’ve done half the pages. So … it’s not going to be this week but it’s going to be soon! Yay! Without giving too much away, it’s freaking hot, this one. That’s the trouble with investing so much energy into developing characters and scenarios,…


Cover fiasco

Ahh, pants. Sometimes comic covers are easy, you just do a render and it’s like YES! THAT’S THE ONE! Then sometimes I just can’t for the life of me figure out what they should be. Or I do a crazy collage like for Telepathic Hentai Tentacle – that cover made sense because it had to…


Support act

I’ll be honest, I’ve been taking my time over the development of this comic, because I’m getting to grips with 3D and a new way of rendering scenes, and I think there’s good potential to do some quality renders here. So the characters are being kitted out with proper outfits and this means … actual…


Slight …

^ Some quick patch-test renders … that’s … that’ll work fine …             … change of plan. About a year ago I wrote all of Lithium and most of the OHB series. So I’m just slowly working through them, churning the content out. Jolly good fun if you ask me….



  OK sitrep: it turns out that having a break to let your brain untangle is absolutely flipping amazing! 10/10 would recommend, it is ok not to be ok, we all need to look after ourselves now and then. Rest is part of resilience after all! Yay! 🙂 So … the comic!! I’m just getting…


A damn fine team …

Madiy and Crash! New comic out early next week! Renders are all done, bleubies are all ready, thingies and adventures and exclamation marks are all set and raring to gooooo!!!!! LET’S HOPE THERE ISN’T SOME SORT OF AWKWARD SUBTEXT GOING ON HERE EH flip knows what could REALLY BE GOING ON AAARGHHHH. So tune in…


The Punisher

Although I wrote the Lithium plot a few years back, the very end has been a little flexible and has gone through a few changes. (This isn’t it, don’t worry – we’ve got a few more comics to go yet.) The path Karen’s on needs some careful weaving. I think authors too often write the…


Ahh, shit, sorry for delay

HELLO! Sorry for the radio silence everyone, literally my workload has been nuts, haven’t had time to catch breath let alone log onto fun porny spacey comiccy niceness. Thanks for the comments – sorry if people worried. I’m fine and healthy, just totally, totally knackered! Seems society has split into two camps; people who are…


Ask the fans: to split or not to split?

OK slight problem; I’m enjoying making the next comic so much it’s accidentally got to about … ooh easily 230 pages by the time its done. That’s a lot, and it’s not exactly plot heavy so it’s maybe a bit long for what it is, and the separate ‘acts’ certainly deserve to be comics in…


The subtle things …

  I thought I’d open an old file for lols but I was too impatient to include the proper character customisations files and … well … So this is a lesson in what happens to 3D scenes when you don’t put any effort into making the people people. A few test renders that made me…


How to 3D without dying [part 1]

People keep submitting comments to my various feedback forms, asking for 3D advice and tips. Thanks dudes, I think I’ve peppered advice throughout this blog tbh, but I’ll dump a few things here because it’s fun and exciting!!! Software I use: Poser Pro, with the Victoria 4 character (a very old 3D character by Daz),…



Holy crapballs, I just found someone’s translated all my comics into French! Zut alors! Wowee, that’s so cool someone’s gone to all that effort, heheh awesome! So here’s some of my favourite bits, en Francais: … amazing, the French for GYEUGG is GYEUGG! Who’d have thought, huh?! Hahaha. Ahh, Baba Yaga. Damn I need to…


Behind the scenes …

I thought it’d be funny to show some of my slapdash 3D behind-the-scenes work, show the other side of whatever scenes, from the camera’s point of view, so you can see how badly I cheat when creating these things … Perfectly reasonable for the comic, and then from the opposite angle … OW MY FACE…


Crashy & mad

So I’ve written Madiy & Crash to the finish – turns out there’s only two more comics to this mini series, and although it takes a pretty serious turn for the worse (don’t worry, that’s not a spoiler, it’s almost certainly not what you think … or if it is, it’ll be ages before we…


The very long scene …

Okay, there’s still just one scene left, but it turns out it’s quite a long one so is taking a little longer than expected. Good news though … it is entirely possible that Lithium #11 will be out this Friday! I’d say it’s 50/50 possible this Friday. Unless more things kick off in the real…


The quiet project

Now and then it’s good to clear the ol’ noggin and work on something completely different. I had planned to plough through Lithium 8 and get it out before Christmas (have completed the first few scenes), but looking at timings and stuff I think that’d just be a bit stressful. So I think I’ll do…


Don’t fear the Reaper

Interesting that I’ve had a good few bits of feedback from people saying the moment with the henchmen in the latest comic was the most touching / got them in a deep place. I know what you mean, having the lowest-of-the-low henchmen mercenary type people be wonderful to each other is a bit special/unusual. I…


Wahoo, waboo.

I try and be a human, and I do have these amazing sparks of joy and connection … but then it seems everything kinda catches up with me and it all stops and I feel a bit like a paper-thin marionette. Know what I mean? Hey I’ve got it all sussed! I’m amazing wahoo! Oh…


Deliciously Awkward things are thinging!

Okay … the benefit of being on a Whatsapp group with a certain member of the Yugen family is that … oh heck just go and read the latest Deliciously Awkward Family Bubbles comics, cos special editions 4-6 are all out, as freshly flagged in: https://www.renderosity.com/gallery/items/3165922/deliciously-awkward-family-comics-out-now And there’s CONTROVERSY!   … dun … dun ……


The great golden helmet of joy

OK! Big fan of conundra, me. Ya paradoxes, ya dichotomies, ya dilemmas; big fan, big fan. In the upcoming comic, I’ll be honest it’s a big of a grey area in terms of how it pans out – we could go in a number of directions at this stage and I’m trying to walk that…


Cover preview! Woop woop!

 OK so having done 138 pages now, I only just worked out what the cover should be, and rendered it out … So here’s a little preview because when the final comic lands, nobody’s going to notice these details as they ravenously consume the comiccy goodness within, so let’s have a calm look, shall we?…


It’s a Christmas miracle!

YOU BOY, WHAT DAY IS THIS?!?!! Why, it’s December the 22nd, Sir/Madam/anonymous author of exceptional internet erotica! THEN I HAVEN’T MISSED IT!!!! *runs down stairs* *buys turkey* *throws turkey away because turkey is awful and dry* *buys a goose* *dry-humps Kermit* *rolls self in bacon and leaps into an oven* WELL! A Happy Christmas indeed!…


Oh deary me … again …

Okay I’ve completed over 160 pages-worth of renders; this is going to be a truly epic comic! I mean sure it’s a total shit-storm, but that doesn’t really communicate the extent to which this is a work of total madness, does it, huh? Well, let’s put it this way: the last comic (Lithium #9; 175…



This is mostly a bunch of renders with our young couple to test new lighting and skin. And a massive rambling discussion on the topic of hate and love as well, sure, sure. I had a really interesting few chats with some very difficult humans recently, and the wonderful thing I discovered, is that love…


Trolls are people too

I’ve had a lot of feedback over the years. I think it’s an important thing to engage with; if we don’t listen to feedback, what we’re saying is we have all the answers in life; we’re saying “Screw other people’s stinky opinions, my ego’s more happy in isolation”. But feedback can help us grow (I…


Indiana Jones …

OK it’s doing my head in that I don’t have any Indiana Jones references in my comics yet, and my stupid damn alias is Sindy Anna Jones. This is obviously unacceptable and I need closure. So … HELP ME! What’s your favourite Indiana Jones quote / moment / reference that I should crowbar into the…


A bit of a boob

Being the genius that I am, I just messed up like 20 renders by not noticing that one of Charlie’s boobs had a custom morph applied when it shouldn’t have – it looked like it was being squidged by an invisible ghost. Anyway, so here’s the patch. Thought it was funny. Basically, tons of singular…


Staring into beauty

HELLO the internet. Well, gosh it’s been a few weeks eh and no doubt many things have happened in your life since we last spoke. How do you feel about that? Hmm, I hear ya, I hear ya. Existence eh? Classic stuff. Personally I have been suffering from what the doctor calls a ‘disease’, which…


Well … this next comic …

…  is just … I mean I logged on especially, purely to gush about it. And I almost never do that. This is going to be the best comic yet. By miles. I’ve been working on it, and … well … I seem to spend most of the time biting my bottom lip and squinting…


The very generous person.

Once upon a time, there was a Very Generous Person. They had an absolutely *enormous* penis, presumably, and one can only imagine a rapier-wit, devastating jawline, and thick, lustrous hair to boot. They got in touch with me and offered all sorts of 3D things.And then … they bought me all sorts of 3D things!…


A very, very big heads-up. Hooohh.

Do you like erotic comics? Do you like pure joy?!?!! Well … as a little mid-summer treat, I have just been sent the pre-release draft of The Rather Magnificent Family Bubble part #4, which will apparently be out in a few days – and honestly, it’s brilliant. Tira has used my free orange dress V4…



Okay, Colony comic’s neeeeearly here! It’s 142 pages, all but the last 10 or so have speech bubbles all done. I just need to take my time reading through and making sure I’m happy with the way it’s going in terms of ethics/vibe/easter eggs, things like that. So a little about it; I’m really pleased…


Hope for all humans.

It’s weird being a European and seeing this stuff, really. Four years ago a Spanish friend of mine was like “They’ve just voted for their Franco, this is going to be interesting”, and maybe every country needs to do this at some point. We (England) seem to be doing it at the moment as well,…


Today …

It’s today. Just checking through rn. Late this afternoon, once it’s final-edited and uploaded. It’s today though. 265 pages. Check back. Hrrrngck! Oh snap, this blog has had more pageviews in the last few hours than in its entire first month as a blog! Hi everyone …


Very … tired … must … … … fap

Oh lordy I’ve done that stupid thing of becoming extremely stressed at work and then not realising it and then everything falls apart and I’m left in the middle going THIS IS FINE without quite spotting that my skin temperature has reached a million degrees and my nose has melted onto my lap. No, no,…


The Truth

I’ve been writing about the truth recently, looking at its role in a world of chaos. So I thought I’d share some of my own truth in the upcoming comic. Not lots, I just mean be a bit more vulnerable I guess. As I’ve alluded to in other posts (eg the Perfection Trap), we (I)…


Cover reveal …

Haven’t quite finished that dang final scene yet, but I have had a chance to race through a bunch of making the speech bubbles, and my-oh-my, there’s some silliness in this one, I can tells ya.  See photoshop layers image, lol. Anyway, there’s a cover preview below – the final cover of Lithium Comic #11…


So … I’m working on a comic …

… it’s called *checks notes* … The Hydrogen Comic, or something like that. Molybdenum? Manganese? It’s some element … got a few electrons orbiting with each other, and then a third electron in another orbit. Huh. It’s almost as if … anway. I’m working on Calcium Comic 8, and wouldn’t ya know, I’ve just spaffed…


Nibble nibble

I do still exist, I promise. Sorry about the radio silence. OK, quick sitrep: I’ve got roughly 99.9% of comic #10 to produce in any way. I mean, sure I’ve done a few trooper poses, but really we’re looking at roughly … not much. Apart from making lots of silly gif animations, as you can…


Maybe … probably … next week!

By the pale cones of mercy … new comic out next week! Probably! Don’t quote me on it, stuff happens, but all being well it’ll be out soon 🙂 It’s a heady mix of post-renaissance whimsy and pre-industrialisation … errr … nudity. I’ve done about 150 pages so far and there’s just a little tidying…


Das ist sehr gut!

I’ve just noticed that some wonderful human being, from the great wide web of information-connected human beings, has started translating my comics into German!! Awesome! I was just looking at e-hentai to see if someone had kindly shared Skybloom yet and lo! A great bunch of other stuff on there. Gave me a little warm…



I’ve had a chance to use my reasonably mighty cerebellum (we all have one) on the Great Poser Problem™️ and have realised I can just work around the software issue by hiding people’s hair, creating scenes frame-by-frame, and then un-hiding all the hair and ploughing through the rendering timeline that way. So … it’s not…
